Monday, September 30, 2019

My First Helicopter Ride

As I stood gazing at the monstrous contraption, I shivered as though ice had replaced my spine. The cold air that blew into my face engulfed my entire body. The multiple layers of clothing could not protect me against the swish of frosty air. The walkway leading up to the helipad was newly paved; I could still feel the soles of my shoes sink into the cement just a little as I walked up the path. It’s ironic how my heart did the exact same thing. It now felt like it was forcibly pressing against my lungs as I struggled to breathe; asphyxiated by terror. Weeds, dandelions and wild flowers were being blown helplessly about by the gargantuan blades. I knew how they felt. I was a small 7 year-old and this helicopter made me feel like a bug on a windscreen, hanging on for dear life. My mother must have been squeezing my hand too hard because I yanked it away from her as the pain finally registered in my central nervous system; I looked down at my hand just in time to see the blood rush back down my veins. Red roses grew wildly in thick batches by the entrance to the show grounds; the place where I was going to have one of the most memorable experiences of my life. The moonlight cast a ghoulish glow on the surrounding landscape, and the screeching of nearby cars pulling away to the highway made me realize how alone our family was; after all, we were the last people to go in the helicopter that day. The big metal structure shone a bright white under the moonlight, and the splotches of rusted metal hinted at the machines maturity, which wasn’t comforting at all. The spinning of the blades was deafening as we hurried towards the little â€Å"hobbit† door to enter the craft. The first thing I felt when I was hauled up into the craft was the constriction of my pupils, and then my eyelids wired shut. It was very bright in there. As soon as I regained visibility, I looked around and saw all these lights that were sourced by many buttons, switches and levers. The dashboard smelt of black coffee and cigarettes, and the floor of the helicopter was littered with cigarette-buds. I turned my head to look at my mother. I could see that somebody had made an attempt to scrub out a vomit stain on her seat. The earthy colours were at sharp contrast with the charcoal seats, and a thin layer of bleach had been used to try and remove it; like a criminal trying to remove blood splatter at a crime scene. Was it an omen, perhaps? My mother reached over and tightened my seatbelt, uncomfortably tight. However, with the sounds from the pilot’s radio headset combined with the humming and buzzing of all the small machines in the chopper, I was too frightened to care about the seat belt. All that was going through my mind was how my life was now in the hands of rows upon rows of illuminated buttons and do-hickeys. It was probably two minutes after buckling up that the craft began its slow ascent into the cold and seemingly insidious night. I could feel all my organs getting pulled down by gravity. In that moment, I became completely oblivious to the sound of the rotation of the massive blades above me, and only heard the ‘’lob-dup’’ of my heart. The light had been so bright as to temporarily blind me. The warmth of my mother’s reassuring smile contrasted the coldness of the night outside. As I peered through the window, I could see my father and little brother about to board the second helicopter. Their clothing was fighting violently against their bodies as the wind from the rotors blew over their heads. Slowly they started for the craft, with their mouths covered, as if walking into a big sandstorm. I could see them take very short, reluctant steps towards the door of their helicopter; as though they were trying to delay the jaw-dropping experience that was to follow. We started rising and rising until I caught a glimpse of the starry cosmos, and at that very moment, I was lost in my very first helicopter ride.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Belonging Essay

Belonging, in essence, refers to the notion associated with the connections individuals make with people, groups and places. Conversely, by belonging to a certain group or place others are indirectly excluded from belonging in the process. Belonging is a connection that we all, as humans, instinctively seek out; it forms part of our natural behavior. Through this process of belonging we ultimately conform and grow as a person, the outcome through which is our place in society is established. The Immigrant Chronicle† by Peter Skrzynecki illustrates how difficult finding a sense of belonging can be by raising the issues experienced when attempting to assimilate in a new cultural environment with all the associated physical, personal and social changes. Similarly, Jeffery Smart’s painting â€Å"The New School† and the short film ‘Mr Cheng’ explore how barriers can hinder our sense of acceptance and belonging. Though it is an innate need to belong it is not always achieved. This idea is accentuated throughout â€Å"In the Folk Museum† as the composer struggles to relate to a history and culture which is not his own. The visit highlights his inner conflict of not knowing where he belongs. He does not feel like a ‘true’ Australian who may look at such ‘relics’ and see cultural significance to them and understand their historical value. Rather he views them in a detached sense â€Å"To remind of a past/ Which isn’t mine†. The poet uses a faceless caretaker as a representative of Australia’s past. She sits next to a â€Å"winnowing machine† an agricultural machine that separates grain from chaff, creating a metaphor for separating the ‘true’ Australians from new migrants. The poet illustrates the caretaker as dull and uninviting, matching her hair colour with the grey clay bottle that is in the museum; causing them to appear be made from the same entity adding to the composers discomfort and estrangement. The composer emphasises his lack of belonging by describing the colour of the museum as well as its â€Å"cold as water† touch showing the disconnection and isolation the composer experiences. The poem reinforces this idea, when the composer is asked to sign the visitor’s books emphasising that he is only a viewer of the Australian history rather than a part of it. Likewise â€Å"St Patrick’s College† also portrays the need to belong; however, it reveals that belonging does not always come naturally despite his mothers attempt to find a way to connect through uniform and the schools reputation. The poet explores this attempt to belong in the third stanza by the stress of â€Å"eight years† passing by and yet he is still â€Å"Like a foreign tourist, Uncertain of my destination, Every time I got off. † The poet reinforces this idea again by the repetition of time in the start of the fourth stanza, establishing that no matter how long, he is still not able to belong. Despite the use of uniform, it is evident that it is only a facade, used in order to create an illusion of belonging. It is not the uniform that binds students together, but rather a unique connection shared with individuals and place. (Link to question here and back to thesis). Jeffery Smart’s painting â€Å"The New School† establishes that although belonging is an innate need, it is not always achieved. Smart is described as a social commentator, a witness to the alienated city dweller or worker in a dehumanized landscape. Elements of his paintings are taken from real places but they are modified and generalised. The effect is that he creates universal scenes which could be renderings of any large modern city rather than being anchored in Australia or Europe. The concept of isolation is shown through the individual’s body language and placement of the hands as well as positioning in the painting. She is distant from the other students, as well as the school, showing she does not fit, emphasising her disconnection and lack of belonging. Jeffery Smart also creates a negative feel through the dark colour of the sky and the sadness the girl displays through her facial expression, showing the difficultly to belong and how the individual feels isolation as she has no connection with these people place or groups. Similarly â€Å"In the Folk Museum†, the composer feels alienated not being able to relate to the Australian culture and history. The poem initiates feelings of isolation and disconnection as the poet questions himself and his place in society as he does not experience a link with the history viewed. Both â€Å"St Patrick’s college† and â€Å"The New School† relate to a place and a lack of belonging. Smart furthermore highlights the struggle to belong by the vectors in his painting. This is shown by the lines of the basketball court, fading as they progressively near the individual, emphasising the student’s estrangement from the school. In the same way Mr Cheng experiences a lack of belonging through the vectors employed by the director, as images of his family appear however they fade emphasising his uncertainty of where he belongs. The director revisits the idea of isolation, illustrated through the severed family connections that Mr Cheng has suffered. Mr Cheng’s alienation is echoed throughout the piece as the director emphasises his exclusion throughout the film through Mr Cheng’s portrayal as being secluded from society. This struggle is shown by the projections of his memories on a brick wall throughout the film, creating a metaphor, representing the wall as a barrier, showing that although he possesses these memories he is blocked from accessing his true identity. Peter Skrzynecki’s, ‘The Immigrant Chronicle’, allows one to see the difficulties the poet, as a second generation migrant; experiences, this being, the dichotomy of belonging to a culture which is not his own and the feeling of estrangement from his parents’ culture. This concept is also shown through Jeffery Smart’s painting ‘The New School’ as the individual struggles similar to that of Mr Cheng to relate to an environment which is unfamiliar.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Review On A Movie Carpool

A Review On A Movie Carpool â€Å"Carpool† begins with a man rushing to get ready for an important business meeting. His wife asks him to drive their children to school after picking up the others in their carpool. He grudgingly does so, and the first crime of the movie occurs shortly afterwards at only eight minutes in. We see one of the man’s neighbors, an old man, gardening, and as they drive by we can see he is only wearing a shirt. It is noted by the main character that his neighbor is an elderly man who is forgetful, and we can ascertain that the man is likely suffering from some form of dementia or something similar. However, nearly all states their own variation of indecent exposure laws (with the exception of Vermont), which their neighbor has clearly violated. It is, however, extremely unlikely that this would lead to a conviction, as it would be hard to prove that the old man was not simply forgetful or confused. It is also mentioned in the movie that the neighbor had survived three str okes; this would almost certainly free him from any criminal liability in the matter. As the movie progresses, the man has picked up three of the children and is still driving to the school, but is frustrated at their complaining, as they are hungry. He decides to stop at a bakery to buy food for them so that they will be quiet during the rest of the trip. However, when he attempts to pay for the food, at nineteen minutes in, two armed gunmen enter with handguns and rob the bakery. Armed robbery of any establishment – be it a bank, or a bakery – is a very serious offense that typically, for a first time offender, results in at least five to ten years in prison. If these men were to be caught it would almost certainly result in a conviction as any crime that involves deadly weapons is taken very seriously. It is likely that they would face charges of robbery and also charges for weapons possession. In the moments following the robbery, there is some confusion, as multiple shoppers in the bakery pull out weapons on the robbers. A police officer enters, and points his gun at one of the shoppers that appears to be an armed robber, telling him to drop his weapon. He acts belligerently, first pointing his handgun at the officer, and then pointing it at the main character, and then taking him as a hostage and stealing his car – all with the money from the robbery. There are a multitude of charges that could follow the beginning of these actions, ranging from the more minor misuse of a firearm to the more major assault or attempted assault with a deadly weapon. He would also face some sort of robbery charge for taking off with the money. A Chicago man named Charles Lemle allegedly pointed a gun at police officers on New Year ’s Day in 2014 and received three counts of aggravated assault towards a police officer. Pointing a gun at a police officer is a very serious crime that would certainly lead to a prosecution and a felony charge. The taking of a hostage would likely result in kidnapping or a lesser but similar charge, and the theft of the automobile would simply tack on to the multitude of charges. It is revealed to the hostage-taker shortly after he has driven the car that there are children in it (5 kids), and it would be likely that a kidnapping charge would be added for each of them. All in all this man would be facing a very lengthy prison term. At about 30 minutes into the film the two original robbers head to the house of the man that left with the money from the bakery. At the bakery, they had stolen his wallet and thusly found his address, which they headed to. After finding the house, they break in, only to be greeted by an angry woman that kicks them out of her house. For entering the home without being allowed to, they would face a breaking-and-entering charge, or even a burglary charge. This would largely depend on whether or not the lady called the police and decided to press charges. At this point in the movie the man that took off from the bakery with the money from the robbery, took hostages, and stole a car, is evading the police in a series of car chases in the stolen car. Some of these chases end with the pursuing police crashing, which could easily lead to him being liable for their death or injury. He would, at the very least, certainly face a charge for evading police if caught. As he continues to evade the police he eventually manages to get the car inside of a shopping mall. It is illegal to drive a car inside a shopping mall, and doing so would result in some sort of reckless driving / public disturbance charge. The officers arrive at the shopping mall to find that the suspect has been stopped by a meter maid that has been pursuing the suspect for a parking violation. She’s holding him at gunpoint with a deadly weapon. The officer that was at the bakery steps in and tells her that he’s got it covered, when she points the weapon at him and tells him to back off. In this case, she’s committing the same crime that was committed earlier in the bakery; that is; pointing a deadly weapon at an officer. This could easily lead to an assault charge against her. The likelihood of this happening, however, is not high, as she doesn’t appear to be trying very hard to coerce the police officer. A crime is committed by her, but it’s not very obvious, and the police officer being threatened doesn’t look very threatened. But while this is happening, the main character of the film begins fleeing in the car in the hopes of still being able to make it to his business meeting. He commits the same crime of driving through the shopping mall – the first crime he commits in the movie – but, while doing so, he endangers the lives of many shoppers as he dodges and swerves around them in the car. This could incur an assault with a motor vehicle charge, or even a mayhem charge against him, both of which would make him a felon. But as he is doing this, he decides to exit the shopping mall by driving through a glass fixture on the second floor. He destroys it with the car, which is also against the law, as this is destruction of property. The severity of this charge would likely depend on the dollar figure placed on the damage. It would be extremely likely that the main character would face prosecution for these acts because he could have simply stayed in the car, but instead chose to drive off with it. It is important to note that the hostage-taker the police have been chasing over the course of the movie manages to get back in the car, effectively making the main character now an accomplice, as he gets his kidnapper out of the hands of the police as a getaway driver. For this, he would face charges of aiding a criminal, and almost certainly a charge for impeding the police. The main character of the film drops Franklin (the hostage-taker) off where he wanted to go. So far, he has made a conscious decision to help Franklin; he has certainly aided him in not only evading the police but also in getting across town. This would incur very serious charges and likely leave both of them as felons. But, at this point, the very first robbers in the movie return to get their money from Franklin, brandishing guns and effectively robbing him. Again, armed robbery – twice in one day. However, a melee breaks out between all four characters, and the two robbers are subdued. They would likely face robbery and other related charges for this – it’s still illegal to rob thieves, after all. That is the last crime committed in the movie, and, judging from the severity and frequency of the crimes, all the adults that broke the law in the movie would be serving very extensive prison terms.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Denver City Council Ban on Urban Camping Case Study

Denver City Council Ban on Urban Camping - Case Study Example According to the study the proposed ordinance seeks to define the word camping, to include temporary stay on public or private property sheltering against any form of elements. This ordinance will be adopted under the police powers and premised upon the basis of protecting the health, safety and the general welfare of the public. It should be viewed that this ordinance is not merely a law that seeks to prohibit the mere act of sleeping on public or private property. The proposed ordinance to be passed banning unauthorized camping in the city is due to factors such as health and safety of its residents. People sleeping out in the open exposed to all manner of harm raises concern and bring with it a lot of harm. This proposed ordinance seeks to make it illegal to camp on "any private property without the express written consent of the property owner" and "any public property except in any location where camping has been expressly allowed." When people sleep exposed in urban areas, heal th and safety indeed are concerns. The ban comes as a wakeup call to the business owners within the region since tourists visiting the town are affected. Many business owners have to contend with people sleeping outside their place of work. This in turn has an effect on the economy, for example, crime rates have increased and there is so much filth within the area.2 Downtown areas have to be reclaimed, and not to be turned into an eyesore. Carroll also states that the increased encroachment by the homeless people on the streets of Denver causes the loss of the city as a place of entertainment. The author quotes the Mayor’s statements that losing downtown to the homeless is tantamount to losing the city itself. An increase in homelessness and encroachment also causes financial concern, since many meetings dwell on the issue. However, there have been increasing criticisms of the proposed law.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

MICROSOFT IN CHINA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

MICROSOFT IN CHINA - Research Paper Example When looking at Microsoft, it can be seen that different objectives have expanded with the ideology of moving into the global market. This includes changes in both the internal and external environment. The expansion is one which differs according to region and based on the growth and objectives within the company. The movement of Microsoft to China is one which incorporated specific positioning and growth strategies. This has created new global markets while altering the strategies and approaches to the growth. This has allowed the corporation to continue to expand while having the capability of adding into the main objectives for growth. Objectives of Expansion The basis of Microsoft as an American company is one which was based on expanding the economic potential and spread of products throughout the globe. The original focus was to integrate the products of Microsoft into the local market while collaborating with other businesses in terms of software products and developing techn ologies in the region. To begin, Microsoft developed offices in central cities and areas that could offer more expansion. Currently, there are over 10 cities which hold general locations for those who are looking into technology. The expansion includes a research and development center, technology centers and a support center. The main approach was to add in both products and services to the region, specifically with a competitive edge that would fit with the region while integrating into the market. To move into the market, Microsoft incorporated Windows server and tools, business solutions, mobile devices, MSN and home and entertainment products. The expansion began in 2002 with a collaborative effort with the National Development Reform Commission, specifically with the agreement of building and expanding the software industry in the region. The prospects have expanded into new strategies for services with a $62 million strategic investment to various companies for state owned en terprises that incorporate Microsoft strategies, training areas and IT parks for expansion of the products and services of Microsoft. This is combined with the decision to collaborate with local efforts and the government of China, both which are offering continuous expansion into the region while having specific Microsoft offices that are able to carry the Chinese culture while offering competitive products for the market (Microsoft 2011). The objectives is then able to include well – rounded approaches that enhance both services and products in the greater China region while matching with the cultural and political aspects of the region. The objectives with Microsoft are furthered with strategies that are able to create stronger responses with both the internal and external environment. For the internal environment, Microsoft is able to provide more investments with returns in the region. There is also the ability to have access to more human assets that add in innovation a nd opportunity for the business. By using this as a main objective, Microsoft is abl

Should firearms be allowed in schools Research Paper

Should firearms be allowed in schools - Research Paper Example This makes it possible for intruders to access the premises and eventually mingle with unsuspecting students even in places such as dormitories, which are supposed to be out of bounds to strangers and other unauthorized persons (Newman, 2004). Furthermore, the ratio of security officers to civilians is never adequate to the extent of guaranteeing personal security to every individual unless every person undertakes to incur the expenditure of hiring personal body guards, who sometimes may turn out to be a bother as there is no way it would work if each and every student was accompanied by such guards to their lecture halls (Kopel, 2002). If this proposition is made legal, a methodology of ensuring compliance with the rules of handling guns would be brought forward in addition to constant evaluation on a student’s conduct to ensure that only those with sound and sober minds are allowed the privilege so as to avoid unethical behavior. If police officers, qualified civilians and o ther government security agencies can be entrusted to carrying guns, students can also be trained for example by introducing gun handling and usage lessons so as to make them responsible and aware of the consequences of not following laid down rules and regulations. The Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, shootings should be considered as a point of reference by those who may be misinformed on the vulnerability of college students. According to reports, an unknown armed person gained access to the institution on the 16th April 2007. Apparently, the said person embarked on a shooting spree whereby he killed two students in one of the dormitories and less than three hours later, he shot and killed 30 others in a classroom after which he committed suicide bringing the total number of deaths to 33, an occurrence that was termed as, â€Å"the deadliest shooting rampage in the American history (Hauser & O’Connor, 2007).† If students were allowed to carry guns, there is a high probabi lity that the number of victims would have been lower based on the fact that they would have used their weapons to overpower and probably kill the shooter before he could cause more damage as he did. On the contrary, most of the students tried to escape through the windows while others slept on the floor as a cover as there was no way they could have challenged the shooter. College students especially females should be allowed to carry guns as a measure to control the ever increasing rate of sexual assault both by acquaintances and unknown assailers. Women are generally considered to be weak in terms of defense especially when challenged by fellow men, who are considered to be more masculine thereby energetic. According to 2008 reports, more than 3000 college students are allegedly sexually assaulted within the institutions on yearly basis. Indeed, the same reports indicate that of all college men interviewed, 60% admitted that they would rape their fellow female friends under any c ircumstances deemed justifiable to them (Burnet, 2009). A woman needs protection and this has not been forthcoming in most of the colleges whereby culprits are allowed to go scot-free due to lack of substantial evidence whereas others are expelled from college only to return later

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Operational Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Operational Management - Essay Example The company should also be focused on material flow and this increases the liquidity of assets and hence reduces the chance of obsolesce. This can also be dealt with by reducing defects and this ensures that fewer cars are taken back to the factories to rectify the defects. Aligning the metrics in any company has been seen to be crucial in ensuring efficient production. This was demonstrated well by Alfred Sloan where managing the cost of production is key. Having a lean organization where all the resources are used to the maximum is the driving force of success. Currently GM produces approximately 6.1 million unit products annually. If the company takes measure to improve the inventory turnover ratio, this can boost production making the company to increase productivity with 25%. It could thus be possible for GM to produce 7.625 million unit products with its current resources. This would result in increased sales turnovers as their automotives do not stay in stock for a long

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Music in the Baroque Era Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Music in the Baroque Era - Research Paper Example Before getting into details about the factors that shaped the development of Baroque music, it is significant to know the basics of Baroque music. First of all, one must know that the Baroque music, as agreed upon by most researchers and critics, is used to refer to music that was composed during the time period of â€Å"1600 to 1750† (â€Å"). This cultural and artistic movement originated in the Western European region, mainly Rome, and then extended to other parts of the world such as baroque art in â€Å"Latin and South America† as well as architecture in â€Å"Ethiopia and America†. Basically, Baroque music can be defined as music that aims at evoking â€Å"emotional states† by the process of â€Å"appealing to the senses, often in dramatic ways†. Although Baroque music primarily refers to the music that was developed during the Baroque era, it is characterized by several other qualities in addition to the time period of its origin. These qual ities include â€Å"grandeur, sensuous richness,† drama expressed through movement and tension as well as â€Å"emotional exuberance† (1). Furthermore, this artistic style of movement often tended to â€Å"blur distinctions† between various artists, thereby uniting all kinds of musicians through the divine atmosphere generated by music. The origin as well as the development of this type of music finds its roots in the movements based on â€Å"Catholic Counter- Reformation,† thereby using its prime characteristics of â€Å"overt rhetoric and dynamic movement† in order to express the â€Å"self-confidence†.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Number grid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Number grid - Essay Example Upper Left No. UL*LR UR*LL Difference 1 23 63 40 26 1248 1268 40 33 1815 1855 40 48 3360 3400 40 55 4235 4275 40 62 5208 5248 40 78 7800 7840 40 TABLE 2 As the table indicates, no matter where we place the square in the grid the difference in the product of the corners for a 3 x 3 square is always 40. Table 3 below are the results of a square that is 4 x 4 placed randomly on the grid. Upper Left No. UL*LR UR*LL Difference 1 34 124 90 17 850 940 90 24 1368 1458 90 36 2484 2574 90 41 3034 3124 90 53 4558 4648 90 67 6700 6790 90 TABLE 3 As the table indicates, no matter where we place the square in the grid the difference in the product of the corners for a 4 x 4 square is always 90. Table 4 below are the results of a square that is 5 x 5 placed randomly on the grid. Upper Left No. UL*LR UR*LL Difference 1 45 205 160 16 960 1120 160 23 1541 1701 160 35 2765 2925 160 42 3612 3772 160 56 5600 5760 160 TABLE 4 As the table indicates, no matter where we place the square in the grid the difference in the product of the corners for a 5 x 5 square is always 160. Table 5 below are the results of a square that is 6 x 6 placed randomly on the grid. Upper Left No. UL*LR UR*LL Difference 1 56 306 250 15 1050 1300 250 23 1794 2044 250 23 1794 2044 250 21 1596 1846 250 32 2784 3034 250 45 4500 4750 250 41 3936 4186 250 TABLE 5 As the table indicates, no matter where we place the square in the grid the difference in the product of the corners for a 6 x 6 square is always 250. Table 6 below are the results of a square that is 7 x 7 placed randomly on the grid. Upper...This is true for a 2 x 2 square and all other sizes. However, the difference in the product of the corners is dependent upon the size of the square. As the size of the square gets larger, the difference in the product of the corners also increases. But is there an algebraic relationship between the size of the square and the difference of the product of the corners Can we calculate the difference by knowing the size of the square Table 10 lists the results from the previous investigations. As we have seen, no matter what size square is used, we can use algebra to calculate the number of possible squares and the difference in the product of their corners. This applies to all possible combinations placed on the grid.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Safe Travel Essay Example for Free

Safe Travel Essay Modern life is impossible without traveling. First of all, in towns or cities the majority of us are committed by trips to school and work every day. For some people it’s a real travelling to get from the house to work. They are going by the underground, then by bus or by taxi. Occasionally we have to go to other city or country on businesses. After a year of hard work, people receive a holiday, and they do not like to spend it sitting at home. Millions of people all over the world spend their holiday travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and ruins of ancient cities, to enjoy picturesque landscapes or just to change the situation. It is always interesting to discover the new, to see, how different the life can be, to meet new people, to try unusual dishes, to hear unfamiliar musical rhythms. Most travelers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them the sights of a city, old churches and castles views of mountains, lakes, valleys, plains, waterfalls, forests, different kind of trees, birds, plants and animals. For those who live in the country, it is pleasant to go to a big city and to spend time, visiting museums and artistic passageways, examining storefronts and having dinner at exotic restaurants. City dwellers usually like quiet holiday at sea or in the mountains, when it is not necessary to do anything, except walking, bathing and idling, lying on a beach. Those who are going travel on business or for pleasure, have at their disposal various means of transport. The fastest one is the plane. It’s better to book tickets in advance. In the very day you go to the airport by car. Soon you will be sitting in a big plane, and it will bring you to new lands. Sitting in a plane, you can look around yourself. The pilot and the crew are in the front cabin. Passengers can relax in comfortable seats. (944 words) Air Travel Q: Air travel only brings advantages to the rich people. But the majority of people do not benefit from it. To what extent do you agree? The proliferation of air technology has changed our world, air travel is one of the most welcome transport type. There is a viewpoint that only rich people enjoy the benefits brought by air travel. I do not support this opinion. Nowadays, air transport is a part of public transportation and air travel is afforded by people. Most of the seats installed in every airliner serve the common passengers. Rich people could choose first class or business class, even though they felt more comfortable, the fly experience, safety, the convenient and time-saving brought by air travel are all the same as well as economic class. As the air plane technology is advancing and globe air transport market competition is fiercer, cheap air travel has been born which bring many benefits to public. The engineers will make air plane flying longer with less fuel-consumption, meanwhile, the competition, in the same airline, gasping more passengers, between many air companies give more choice to individuals who can choose the No. depend on their situation, specifically, such as money, time and position. On the other hand, corporate jet is too expensive to afforded by common individual. Although personal car is afforded by common family, the price of small airplane are accepted only by rich people, so that free flying is a dream that many person having. Only small part of rich people have their own airplane and air port, due to the high maintain fee. It is evident that air transport technology could be used in other field. Scientists and engineers are inventing fly cars, combined with fly abilities, the new transport which can resolve a serious problem – traffic congestion in city. Once this product come to realistic, everyone will enjoy a cheap, fast and convenient flying experience as their wish, sound like in the film . Advantages of Travelling In our modern times, when travelling has become easier, domestic trips and foreign journeys are more popular with people. Although almost everyone is willing to participate in such events, there are still some people, who prefer staying at homes to visiting other places. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling? To start with, journeys are one of these kinds of entertainment, which make people feel cheerful and happy. According to many people’s believes, temporary change place of living improve human well-being or even bring an excitement. Secondly, apart from being a great source of enjoyment, travelling is also a perfect way to relax. Consequently, thanks to going on trips people can forget about their problems or daily life and duties even for a while. Furthermore, journeys are claimed to broaden people’s knowledge about foreign cultures. Not only can people find out more about other traditions and customs, but also learn some history, improve language skills or taste in local cuisines. Nevertheless, travelling requires a larger sum of money which is connected with transport, accommodation, food and some extra expenses. Therefore, an average man is not able to spend his money on it systematically. Moreover, trips, especially abroad journeys seem to be very tiring. It may happen that it takes many hours or has uncomfortable conditions and as a result travelers feel sleepy, exhausted or annoyed. Additionally, travelling is often associated with some kind of risk. People who visit other, extremely different nations, cannot be sure how to behave in some situations, particularly when they do not know language. Then, they can easily offend locals, even if they do not want it. On the whole, travelling has both advantages and disadvantages. Despite numerous drawbacks like high costs, tiredness and risk, it is a fantastic way to spend free time, which makes our lives more interesting.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Beijing 2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony

Beijing 2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony The Olympic Games are one of the most important international sporting events for most of the world. The 2008 Beijing Olympics was especially one of particular focus and attention. China has long wished to show the world its greatness and, in June 2001, it finally got that chance. The Opening Ceremony as an event was the primary opportunity for China, besides the sporting events themselves, to demonstrate its power, wealth, and prosperity to the world; through visual and artistic spectacle. It would also allow the world to observe and witness how far China has progressed, as a country, to becoming more open and willing to being a bigger part in the global community. Aspects of the Opening Ceremony may be divided into three main categories; the Political, the Historical and Cultural, and the Ideals and overall Message. The concept of Unity is one of the main historical political ideas, presented throughout the Ceremony; which may be first interpreted in the mass-scale performances. Syncopation was essential during the highly choreographed displays of drummers, martial artists, and actors and dancers; in large formations. The theme of Unity has always been significant throughout Chinese history, since the unification of China under the first Emperor in 221 BCE. With rise and fall of subsequent dynasties, the prosperity of the land depended on that unity. The idea of Unity in the new era may be more clearly displayed by the 56 children carrying the national flag, dressed in costume, representing the 56 ethnic groups of modern China; promoting China as a unified multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, nation.   Chinas economic strength is implied by the ability to fund and organize the large-scale use of fireworks, lighting, and man power; in order to put on such a spectacular mega-event. The Opening Ceremony may also be considered to be a promotion of Chinese pride and nationalism. It not only promotes Beijing itself as a city, or as the Capital, but as the center of the great country of China; as a while. This event is not only for China to impress all the foreign visitors, but may also prove to their own citizens, and to Chinese communities worldwide, how far theyve come. They have the chance to make the best impression possible on the world; and to impress all with the speed and scope of Chinas development. The Historical and Cultural aspects played a major part in the Opening Ceremony through the presentation and celebration of ancient Chinese culture. Chinese director Zhang Yimou was the creative mind behind the Ceremony. He is perhaps known to Westerners for his films Hero, House of Flying Daggers, and Curse of the Golden Flower. There is a strong focus on spectacle and aesthetic beauty, and artistic tradition and history of China, with the central theme of the four great Chinese inventions; the first being fireworks. A brief film was shown during the ceremony, displaying the second of the four great inventions of paper making. The showing of the traditional ink brush making was shown to segue way into the next performance, as a giant L.E.D. paper scroll was rolled out in the middle of the stadium. At the centre lay a canvas upon which dancers in black, with a sleeve dipped in ink, left trail marking as they moved on the paper; creating a landscape of mountains, a river, and the sun. The look of it was in the style of traditional ink painting. Their dance was accompanied by the music of a Guqin, the ancient Chinese seven-stringed zither. It was a blending of brush painting, dance, and music, and the connection of all the fine arts as part of the same philosophical artistic process. In celebration of the Chinese language, of movable blocks were used in a large formation to present three variations of the character for harmony; another political ideal. The performance pays tribute to the third great invention of the movable type press. Meanwhile, hundreds of costumed Han Dynasty feather-capped scholars, holding bamboo scrolls, sang out key excerpts from Analects of Confucius. Confucius was one of the most significant ancient philosophers that helped shape Chinese society, who still retains importance and influence in East Asia today. Other presentations artistic traditions of Beijing Opera and Puppetry were performed. A grounded map of the Ancient Silk Road was a ccompanied by Tang Dynasty dancers. The last of the great Chinese inventions, the compass, was held by the central actor in a performance presenting the voyages of Zheng He; the Ming Dynasty eunuch who led seven great naval expeditions to explore the world from 1405 to 1433. All these represent Chinas glorious past. The following segment represented present day China, with a performance by pianist Lang Lang surrounded by luminescent performers; who arranged themselves into the Dove of Peace. The Doves wings took flight as the performers moved. A young girl, suspended by wire, ran in mid-air while flying a kite. 2,008 of male performers, in white, took formation to display a mass performance of Tai Chi in fluid unison; a martial art based on the principles of the Yin and Yang, and harmony with nature. The ink painted landscape returned for a group of schoolchildren to add their marks by colouring over it, while chanting poetry; suggesting an environmental and Green Olympics. The in t he landscape was filled in with a smiley face. The accompanying light presentation showed bright coloured birds, flying into the sky; possibly to further the thoughts of peace, or environmentalism. An astronaut, and a giant glowing ball representing Earth, came forth to represent modern, and possibly future, space exploration. The ball changed colour and glowed like a Chinese lantern, while acrobats tumbled rolled along its surface. Chinese and British singers, Li Huan and Sarah Brightman, stood on top of the ball which reverted back to showing the Earth, and sang the 2008 Olympic theme song You and Me; in both Mandarin and English. It was a song of friendship and peace. The 2,008 performers returned, with bearing parasols with images of the smiling children; and fireworks in the shape of smiley faces were ignited. The Opening Ceremony was the event for Beijing to welcome the world. They were able to introduce, or share more of, Chinese culture and heritage to the world. It also showed a new sense of China, more built on unity, peace, harmony, and openness with the global community. These ideals were made clear throughout the Ceremony as part of the themes for the 2008 Olympics; the slogan being One World, One Dream. China opening itself to the world is perceived in the Beijing Olympic Logo; a stylized representation of the character of Jing, meaning capital. The character resembles a dancing figure with arms wide open, and Chinas invitation and welcome to the world. The Red in the emblem is the Chinese colour of good luck and fortune. The Mascots for the 2008 Games, called Fuwa, have five members; Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, and Nini. Their designs were inspired by a fish, a giant panda, a flame, a Tibetan antelope, and a swallow; each also representing one of the five Olympic rings. Put together, their names for a pun on the phrase Beijing huanying ni, meaning, Beijing welcomes you. The Olympic Committee also chose three specific themes to promote for 2008. The first was technological Olympics, as high-tech media broadcasting and promotion was important to a successful Olympics; the 2008 Beijing Olympics being the first in history to be broadcasted in high-definition. The second theme was humanistic, and the original ideal that the Olympics is a cultural event; for all people. It not only refers back to the contributions by Ancient Greece, but is also gives the Chinese people the opportunity to share their own 5000 years of traditional and modern culture. Harmony of humanity also includes harmony with nature, which leads to the final theme of a green Olympics. China worked hard to tackle this issue in preparation for the 2008 Olympics, to accommodate the arrival of so many foreign spectators and athletes; to be able to attend and perform in an agreeable enviro nment. While pollution as one of the main criticisms China faces today, it remains a problem in many other countries; and was a question raised for many previous Olympic cities. The 2008 Games were used to continue to increase global awareness and the promotion of green consumption. The 2008 Beijing Olympics was the means for China to demonstrate its wealth and power to the world. It was through art and creativity, demonstrated by the Opening Ceremony, that China was able to celebrate and share its culture with the rest of the world; while also supporting current day ideals of peace, harmony, progress, and environmentalism. It was a promotion of a new image of China as willing and ready to open itself to all, and to be accepted as among the worlds top respectable countries. Bibliography: Gold, John R. And Margaret M. Gold, Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning and the Worlds Games, 1896-2012. London: Routledge, 2007 Fan, Hong, Duncan Mackay, and Karen Christensen. China Gold: Chinas Quest for Global Power and Olympic Glory. Great Barrington: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2008.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Drugs, Athletes, and Sports - Androstenedione :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Androstenedione: Just Say No Imagine rounding the bases after hitting your 70th home run and setting a new major league record. Slapping your teammatesí hands, you hear cheers progress throughout the sold out stadium. As you acknowledge the crowd further, you hear booing also coming from the standing crowd. Why are they booing? You just set a record! Then you see a small boy pointing at you and yelling. You watch closely and see the word, â€Å"Andro† form on his lips. Androstenedione, known as "andro", is made of a naturally occurring hormone of the body, which is used naturally in tiny amounts to make the male hormone testosterone. It is found in humans, animals and the pollen of many plants. Andro is produced in the gonads and adrenal glands of all mammals. It is said to help speed up the recovery of injuries along with bodybuilding and weight training to increase muscle mass. The androgens are the male sex steroids. When andro is taken it can convert the female sex steroid, estrogen into testosterone. Testosterone increases body and facial hair, acne, deepens the voice, enhances prostate growth, and promotes muscular growth. Blood levels of testosterone start rising about 15 minutes and peak about an hour after oral consumption of androstenedione. When users take too much, androgen shuts off the bodyís own making of testosterone, which can damage normal testicular function (Quinn). When athletes take androstenedione, it gives them an unfair advantage over other athletes. No one will ever know if Mark McGwire or any other athletes could have done their achievements without taking andro. "The International Olympics Committee, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the National Football League, the National Basketball Association, and in the Men and Women's Tennis Tours banned androstenedione due to the fact that it is unsafe and gives an unfair advantage" (Totheroh). It is still legal, though, in Major League Baseball and the National Hockey League. If it is going to be banned in some sports, it should be banned in all. Since there are many different opinions of the committees, it is obvious that athletes are confused and are pushing the limits of performance improvements. People think that if androstenedione is not illegal then anyone should be allowed to take it. Mark McGwire used androstenedione and he set a world record. So is it safe to use? Should a high school athlete use it? Drugs, Athletes, and Sports - Androstenedione :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics Androstenedione: Just Say No Imagine rounding the bases after hitting your 70th home run and setting a new major league record. Slapping your teammatesí hands, you hear cheers progress throughout the sold out stadium. As you acknowledge the crowd further, you hear booing also coming from the standing crowd. Why are they booing? You just set a record! Then you see a small boy pointing at you and yelling. You watch closely and see the word, â€Å"Andro† form on his lips. Androstenedione, known as "andro", is made of a naturally occurring hormone of the body, which is used naturally in tiny amounts to make the male hormone testosterone. It is found in humans, animals and the pollen of many plants. Andro is produced in the gonads and adrenal glands of all mammals. It is said to help speed up the recovery of injuries along with bodybuilding and weight training to increase muscle mass. The androgens are the male sex steroids. When andro is taken it can convert the female sex steroid, estrogen into testosterone. Testosterone increases body and facial hair, acne, deepens the voice, enhances prostate growth, and promotes muscular growth. Blood levels of testosterone start rising about 15 minutes and peak about an hour after oral consumption of androstenedione. When users take too much, androgen shuts off the bodyís own making of testosterone, which can damage normal testicular function (Quinn). When athletes take androstenedione, it gives them an unfair advantage over other athletes. No one will ever know if Mark McGwire or any other athletes could have done their achievements without taking andro. "The International Olympics Committee, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the National Football League, the National Basketball Association, and in the Men and Women's Tennis Tours banned androstenedione due to the fact that it is unsafe and gives an unfair advantage" (Totheroh). It is still legal, though, in Major League Baseball and the National Hockey League. If it is going to be banned in some sports, it should be banned in all. Since there are many different opinions of the committees, it is obvious that athletes are confused and are pushing the limits of performance improvements. People think that if androstenedione is not illegal then anyone should be allowed to take it. Mark McGwire used androstenedione and he set a world record. So is it safe to use? Should a high school athlete use it?

Definition Essay -- essays papers

Definition Essay The origin of the word myth seems to be a myth in itself. Myths have generally originated from a Greek history that used an oral tradition to explain events that occurred before the written word. Often supernatural beings or fictitious characters were used to explain popular ideas concerning phenomena's of nature or the history of people. The myths that were carried on from generation to generation were often very imaginative in an attempt to spark the interest of young listeners. These would be told at social gatherings. The main purpose of a myth was to relay historical information among groups. Early myths often dealt with the origin of man, customs, religious rights, incidents involving the lives of gods, stories of culture heroes, adaptations of old world myths, or the retelling of biblical stories. From the Webster’s dictionary the real meaning of the word myth is, â€Å"a story or legend† that was created as oral traditions that were told from generation to generation. Often as individuals told the stories, they were changed slightly in context or meaning. One cannot be certain, however, that historically based myths are not historically correct. Exaggeration due to personal vendetta was often the cause for discrepancies of factual or not factual information included in dialect from a mythical standpoint. An instance where this fact was the case is seen in the Old Testament. Even, the Old Testament can be looked upon as being mythical. From a religious perception, the Old Testament may be viewed as the history of Judaism and believed to be completely factual and true, but from a mythical standpoint that selection may be fictitious in context. Mythology suggests that due to the fact that events w... ...ide to them. The mythical side is present because a culture or society does not want to believe the facts that are known in an attempt to give reassurance to ones inner self. A modern example of a myth is the belief that one cannot achieve a pregnancy upon the primal intercourse experience. Research has proven that this is not true, but many believe or are told that this is the case. These types of myths are used today to create reassurance for those believing them. The word myth has been defined by scientific evidence throughout history. As scientific evidence has become clearer, early myths have become less clear to the present day human being. Even though early myths are becoming obsolete, they are still being studied to teach all aspects of life and culture past and present. Also, modern myths are being studied just as well to teach the aspects of the world today.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

anne bradstreet Essay -- essays research papers fc

Anne Bradstreet was not only the first English-speaking, North American poet, but she was also the first American, woman poet to have her works published. In 1650, without her knowledge, Bradstreet’s brother-in-law had many of her poems published in a collection called The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up In America. Although these poems did not reflect what would be her best work, they did emulate what would be the greatest influence on all of her writing. Anne Bradstreet’s Puritan life was the strongest, and the most obvious influence on her work. Whether it was her reason for writing, how she wrote, or what she wrote about, Bradstreet’s poems would reflect the influence of Puritan life and doctrine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although there is very little information about Anne Bradstreet’s earlier life, we do know that she was born in 1612, probably in Northampton, England. Anne grew up in the Earl of Lincoln’s home, which was a very distinguished household with an extensive library. Her father Thomas Dudley, who handled many of the Earl’s affairs, encouraged his daughter’s education. Also serving as a steward to the Earl of Lincoln was Anne’s future husband, Simon Bradstreet. Both men were well educated, prominent people who would carry their knowledge and influence to the New World (Piercy 18).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1628 Anne and Simon were married. Two years later Thomas Dudley and the Bradstreets began their three month journey to New England on the Arbella (Piercy 18). The purpose of their journey was to arrive in a new world where they could practice and teach their puritan doctrine. The new colony was perfect for their simplified religion due to the lack of traditions that were already established in England.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Here begins the influence of the Puritan life on Anne’s work. Christian Doctrine became the only topic that was acceptable for people to write about. It was used to educate and persuade the colonies to worship and honor God. Many Puritans kept journals and diaries as a history of God’s work among the colonies. The available readings contained moral lessons all established by Puritan leaders, or the church. In the article â€Å"Puritan Poetry: Public or Private† the author explains the aim of public poems is to present, confirm, and glorify the cause. It also suggests that the concerns of public poetry are d... ...iritual guidance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ultimately being a Puritan was the greatest influence on Anne Bradstreet’s writing. It was the responsibilities of a Puritan woman that drove her to write, the Puritan culture she lived in that conformed how she wrote, and the Puritan doctrines she truly believed in that molded her thoughts into what she wrote about.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Blackstock, Carrie. â€Å"Anne Bradstreet and Performativity Self-Cultivation, Self- Deployment.† Early American Literature 32 (1997): 223-247. Doriani, Beth. â€Å"Then Have I†¦Said With David: Anne Bradstreet’s Andover Manuscript Poems and the Influence of the Psalms Tradition†. Early American Literature 24 (1989): 52-69. Piercy, Josephine K. Anne Bradstreet. New York: Twayne Publishing, 1965. Salska, Agnieszka. â€Å"Puritan Poetry: Public and Private† Early American Literature 19 (1984): 114-119. White, Elizabeth W. Anne Bradstreet. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. White, Peter. Puritan Poets and Poetics. PA: The Pennsylvania State University, 1985.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Survey In Forensic Toxicology Health And Social Care Essay

The province of alcoholism and the blood intoxicant concentration of a individual at the clip of decease can sometimes be hard to construe due to the assorted post-mortem artefacts that can change the true ante-mortem blood intoxicant concentration. The opportunity of intoxicant being produced in the organic structure after decease is a continuously encountered issue in everyday casework [ 2 ] . The status and province of the organic structure, the clip between decease and sample aggregation, the environmental conditions and besides the type of samples collected, preserved and analyzed are all of import factors that should be considered carefully during reading. Under certain status ethyl alcohol can be produced after decease by agitation of glucose and due to bacterial activity [ 3,4 ] . Some illustrations in which the blood ethanol concentration at the clip of decease can be altered are: The possibility of ethanol production in the organic structure after decease or after sample aggregation due to microbic production ; If ethanol remains in the tummy after decease, the possibility is of continued local diffusion into the environing tissue and blood is raised ; In instances of caput injury which has rendered a individual unconscious for a few hours prior to decease, the blood ethanol concentration during this clip continues to diminish due to metamorphosis in the liver. Some other instances that may be debatable to cover with are instances where the organic structures are recovered from H2O in which the possibility of sample dilution can play a important function [ 2 ] . These are merely a few illustrations of the many possibilities that can change ethanol concentration and do reading of post-mortem ethanol concentration really hard. It is hence of great importance in forensic post-mortem ethanol instances to execute accurate and precise analysis for ethyl alcohol, to utilize the optimum specimen and to cognize the restrictions and significance of ethanol findings in these specimens [ 5 ] . The optimum specimen picks, aggregation site, and preservatives, every bit good as the deductions and reading of ethanol findings in post-mortem ethyl alcohol instances will be discussed in this paper.2. Postmortem Specimen for analysis of Ethanol.In malice of the troubles encountered with post-mortem ethanol consequences, an necropsy offers the chance to roll up specimens that are non readily available in ante-mortem cases.A A In add-on to trying blood from different vascular sites and piss, samples collected from vitreous wit and stomachic contents every bit good as musculus, encephalon and liver tissues, cerebrospinal fluids and gall are all possible during necropsy. Although there is a possibility to roll up and analyse ex tra specimens during post-mortem ethanol analyses, this will merely partially counterbalance for the increased interpretative troubles encountered by the assorted post-mortem artifacts.A A It is hence necessary to use a greater grade of cautiousness during the reading of post-mortem ethanol consequences and to take into history the entirety of the information obtained. A individual post-mortem blood ethyl alcohol concentration is by and large uninterpretable without a coincident piss and/or vitreous wit ethanol concentration ; therefore it is of import that every bit good as information sing the instance history and inside informations gathered from the scene of decease [ 1 ] .A A Due to this it is of import alternate specimen should ever be collected and analyses in order to right and safely confirm ante- mortem ethanol ingestion. In this chapter the different types of specimen used for post-mortem ethanol analyses every bit good as there deductions and restrictions will be discussed.2.1 Blood Alcohol ConcentrationAlthough there are multiple samples available for aggregation at necropsy for toxicological analysis of ethyl alcohol, blood is a important in leting valid decision of whether the deceased has consumed intoxicant and was under influence at the clip of decease. The basic information required, on construing the blood intoxicant concentration in post-mortem samples harmonizing to Plueckhahn [ 6 ] , who has researched the reading of the blood intoxicant concentration extensively, are: The site of aggregation of the blood sample ; The clip after decease and province of the organic structure when the specimen was collected ; The storage status of the sample, the preservative used, and the clip elapsed before analysis ; The method used for analysis of the sample. Furthermore in add-on to the above, one might besides see the status and visual aspect of the blood sample such as the odor, colour, fluidness and/or the presence of blood fabrics. Despite the fact that blood from a femoral vena is the recommended specimen to be collected for toxicological analysis, some diagnostician still be given to subject cardiac blood or worse fluid scooped from the thorax and or plural pit as a replacement for the appropriate specimen [ 7 ] . This questionable manner of roll uping samples increases the potency for taint of ethyl alcohol entered by the lung due to inspiration of tummy content or ethyl alcohol which might hold diffused from the tummy in to the environing tissue. Blood from the femoral vena is least susceptible to postmortem alterations and as stated earlier the recommended specimen of pick for toxicological analysis. Additionally blood from the interior integral Chamberss of the bosom is besides suited as a auxiliary specimen to compare with femoral blood intoxicant concentration or when there is limited sum of femoral blood available to roll up and/ or analyse [ 8 ] . Furthermore Arterial blood is up to 40 % higher in eth anol concentration during the absorbent stage compared to venous blood, whereas there is undistinguished difference between the two 1s the intoxicant has reached the station optical density stage. Therefore blood from the big vass or bosom may demo differences compared to blood from other beginnings due to incomplete distribution [ 9 ] . This difference was shown by comparing cardiac blood with femoral blood, in which 35 out of 51 instances, had a bosom intoxicant blood was that was by and large higher, with the highest difference observed being 0.09/dL [ 10 ] . Poutry and Anderson [ 11 ] , besides analyzed cardiac and femoral blood in 100 instances, nevertheless, found bosom to femoral ratios being near 0.98. In 17 instances at that place were differences of greater than 20 % between the two in which merely 6 with a bosom to femoral ratio greater than 1. These 6 instances were either in early phases of soaking up or the femoral intoxicant blood degree was unnaturally low due to low volume specimen available in the sample tubing. Harmonizing to this survey circulation equilibrium occurs quickly, which means that differences in blood beginnings occur merely in rare post-mortem instances. This does n't intend that important differences can non happen, particularly in instances affecting possible decomposition, injury a nd in instances of recent consumption when the deceased has been in the soaking up stage and equilibrium has non set in anterior to decease. Because hazard of taint of bosom and upper organic structure blood beginnings, it is recommended to get and analyse blood from a femoral vena [ 2 ] . Some writers even province that the blood straight taken from the chest pit or from a unsighted needle stick into the thorax, is the worst possible sample that can be taken [ 2 ] . The necessary blood intoxicant concentration to do decease is often an unfastened inquiry and depends much on the individual ‘s gender, age, overall wellness, imbibing experience and developed tolerance [ 9 ] .2. Collection and Storage of Specimen for Ethanol Analysis.Among forensic toxicologists and analytical chemists the normally used quoted proverb, that is peculiarly valid in the field of post-mortem forensic toxicology, which emphasizes that right specimen aggregation is the most of import measure in drug analysis is that: â€Å" the analytical consequence will ne'er be better than the sample from which is was derived â€Å" [ 2,6 ] . The intent of roll uping organic structure fluids and executing forensic analytical analysis for ethyl alcohol is to find the significance, if any, of ethyl alcohol in a forensic probe. Not merely the check used to find ethyl alcohol in de samples should be precise, accurate and specific, but the penetrations given should supply information as to whether the measured ethyl alcohol degrees are basically the same as when they were collected [ 5 ] . The concern of possible ethanol loss or addition in clinical or forensic probe at changing times after the specimen was collected is an inevitable factor encountered in many instances affecting the finding of ethyl alcohol. Furthermore post-mortem samples present an extra challenge: does the measured ethanol concentration reflect the concentration at the clip the deceased passed? There are several factors that play a important function in replying these inquiries. In this paragraph the principle and processs for properly aggregation and cont inuing post-mortem specimen will be discussed and categorized in three bomber bunchs ; 1.The loss of ethyl alcohol, 2.The production ethyl alcohol and last but non least 3.The saving of the gathered specimen for ethanol analysis.2.1 The loss of EthanolThe loss of ethyl alcohol from collected specimen has been a concern and a ground for probe for most of the history of forensic toxicology. To day of the month, three major theories are used to explicate the loss of ethyl alcohol from the gathered biological specimen. These include 1. Vaporization, 2. Oxidation and 3. The action of micro-organisms.A. Vaporization

Monday, September 16, 2019

Sunni Islam

Sunnis Several years after Muhammad's death, the various factions of the Islamic faith were formed. Many of Muhammad's relatives and companions were involved in the power struggle, and the war finally stabilized when Mu'awiyya, the governor of  Syria, took control of the Caliphate. This marked the rise of the  Umayyad dynasty  which ruled Islam for quite some time. Although the Qur’an ordains that the division of Muslims into different sections is forbidden, three sects of Islam developed and emerged at the conclusion of the  Islamic Civil War.These include the Sunni, Shiite, Ahmadiyya and Karijite. Of these four, the Sunni denomination is by far the largest, comprising of 90% of the world Muslim population, with Shi’a comprising of the second largest percentage. The literal translation of the word Sunni is â€Å"habit† or usual practice. My assumption is that the habit or practice refers to the actions of Muhammad. So anyone claiming to follow the Sunnah , which are the actions of Muhammad and can show that they believe the Hadith, which are narrations of the actions of Muhammad, can consider him or herself to be a  Sunni  Muslim.People of Sunni orientation believe that Muhammad had never chosen a successor before his death and therefore nobody can really properly succeed him or become the succeeding leader of the Caliphate other than his closest companions, or Shahaba. Sunnis belive that only the the first four caliphs should be regarded as the properly led caliphs. They include Abu Bakr, Umar al-Khattab, Uthman Affan, and Ali Talib. Actually why there has not been one widely known caliph since 1923 for the entire Islamic religion is due to the fact that Islam is divided into these three sections metioned earlier.Although Sunnis accept hadith narrated by the first four caliphs, they regard one collection of hadith to be the most authentic. This is called the Sahih al Bukhari. The literal translation of sahih is â€Å"authentic †. The Sunni branch of Islam has four legal schools of thought or  madh'hab, through which Sunnis practice religious jurisprudence, or religious philosophy. There was only one madh-hab during the time of the â€Å"rightly-guided† Caliphs but after the beginning of the Umayyad dynasty, things changed. The Umayyad caliphs did not have the same religious authority as the previous ones.After the Umayyad Dynasty, there was the Abbasid Dynasty. In comparison to the Umayyads, they were more supportive of Islamic law. The crystallization of four major Sunni madh’hab of Islamic fiqh came about by the third century of Hijra. These four include the Hanafi, which was founded by Abu Hanifah and is the dominant school of Muslims in the United Kingdom and Germany, and also followed by Muslims in Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan. The Maliki school, founded by a Hanifa’s eldest student named Malik ibn Anas and is the dominant school of Muslims in Morocco, Alg eria, Libiya, Nigeria, Sudan Bahrain, UAE and Kuwait.The Shafi’i school founded by a student of Malik named Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi’i and is the dominant school of Muslims in Indonesia, Egypt, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Kenya, Somalia, Kenya Tanzania, Jordan, India, Syria and Lebanon. The Hanbali school founded by a student of al-Shafi’i named Ahmad bin Hanbal, and is the dominant school of Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula, to name the most predominant ones. The followers of these four schools follow the same basic beliefs but differ from one another in terms of practice and execution of rituals, and in interpretation of Shari’a.So rather than again dividing themselves up into different schools of law, Sunnis rather prefer to just combine and call themselves all Sunnis. The  religious text of Islam, the Qur'an  was compiled by Muhammad’s closest companions and regarded as authentic my all Muslims. There are many aspects of daily life, ho wever that are not mentioned in the Qur’an but they were observed and passed down through generations. These oral account are called hadith. Sunnis regard only certain collections of hadith to be authentic and those are compiled by six specific recorders named Bukhari, Muslim, Nasa’ii, Dawud, Tirmidhi, and Majah.The history of the Sunni–Shia conflict originates in the  split  that occurred when  Muhammad  died in the 632 which led to a dispute over  who should succeed him as  caliph  of the Islamic community. This led to the battle of Siffin. For a long time, Sunni Islam was differentiated from Shi'i Islam by its adherence to the  Caliph  as the leader of the Muslims. However, Sunni and Shi'i Islam are the same in that they share important taught principles: the wholeness of  God, the belief in the revelations of Muhammad, and the belief in resurrection on the Day of Judgment.Even though the main split in Islamic practice is between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims, there are several disagreements within the Sunni community. Almost like how Americans have different views, there are some liberal and more secular movements in Sunni Islam that say that Shari'a is interpreted on an individual basis, and that reject any  fatwa  or religious edict by religious Muslim authority figures. There are also several movements in Sunni Islam, which reject and sometimes persecute liberal Muslims for attempting to compromise certain Muslim traditions.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Asian Experiences and Immigration to America Essay

In the 1800s, a common struggle exists for Asian Americans in the United States, specifically the Chinese and Japanese. The term, identity is recognized through numerous events overtime and these events include the role of Asian Americans shaping the history of America. It took countless years for early Chinese and Japanese individuals to be accepted into American lifestyles, let alone be acknowledged of their own identities. There are many similarities, yet many differences between Chinese and Japanese communities, as shown in Hisaye Yamamoto’s short story â€Å"Seventeen Syllables† and Ronald Takaki’s excerpt â€Å"Gam Saan Haak†. Hisaye Yamamoto’s â€Å"Seventeen Syllables† expresses the significance behind difficulties faced by Japanese immigrants to the United States, as well as the racial separation between these immigrants and their families. The Japanese immigrant experience many obstacles, such as poverty and unstable marriages. Yamamoto’s story implicates a teenager and her mother, Tome Hayashi who takes an interest in writing haiku for the Japanese language paper in San Francisco. Her daughter however is practically illiterate to speaking Japanese, which is ironic since that is her culture and furthermore, fails to understand the haiku her mother writes. See Rosie, she said, it was a haiku, a poem in which she must pack all the meaning into seventeen syllables† (Yamamoto 154). This is an interesting aspect in a sense that while Tome expresses her relevance on haikus, Rosie pretends to understand the concept and meanings of her mother’s learning, but realistically she refuses to comprehend. More importantly, Tome Hayashi only took an interest in haiku to overcome everything that she went through. The truth was revealed when Tome admits to telling Rosie of her past. As her mother told her the story, Tome remained in control of her life, which is extremely difficult after gathering that she faced horrible memories. Rosie was shocked to believe such things, â€Å"Her mother, at nineteen, had come to America and married her father as an alternative to suicide† (162). Before her father, her mother had met a lover, but only did she know that her lover already had an arranged marriage by his family. Many of these married couples are unsuited for one another and usually, forced to be with one another. Another important significance is that these problems were concealed from their children, which is why Rosie had no idea until the end of the story. Disappointed about her past, Tome asks Rosie to promise never to marry and never be blinded by young romance. The story portrayed an intergenerational conflict between first generation and second generation. What Rosie went through may not have the same outcome as her mother did. Ronald Takaki’s excerpt â€Å"Gam Saan Haak† demonstrates Chinese immigrants as â€Å"travelers to Gold Mountain† (Takaki 80). Due to hard economic times, government corruption and deficiency in China, forced many men to pursue opportunities overseas, such as the arrival in California. This separated many men from their families because there was a control of migration to America. Chinese women were excluded by the law, which show signs of prejudice, but instead were marked as laundry workers, which was a â€Å"woman’s occupation† (Takaki 93). Furthermore, â€Å"Chinese worked in a variety of occupations: they were housekeepers, servants, laundresses, seamstresses, shoemakers, cooks, miners and fisherwomen. But overwhelmingly, especially in the early years, Chinese women were prostitutes† (Takaki 121). There were lots of employments for the Chinese women, but most of them were in a condition of debt, therefore they turned to the role of being prostitutes. Lives for the prostitutes were treacherous because they were beaten on occasions and looked down on based on their status. However, they were enormously profitable for their owners. Since women are incapable of working in heavy labor force, it had caused men to travel away from home to make some money. A great number of Chinese immigrants came up with the same plan to migrate to America, causing the Chinese to make up 25 percent of the work force. At first they were doing great, owning businesses such as a shopkeeper and merchant, while some are artisans, farmers and labor contractors. However, the Americans did not like how the Chinese are taking over their land. A riot broke out between Americans and Asian Americans over the elimination of competition from foreign miners. Takaki generates in his story the ultimate solution to prevent Asian immigrants from advancing anymore in the workforce, â€Å"To halt the threat, the committee recommended the enactment of a foreign miners’ license tax† (Takaki 81). This form of resentment towards the Chinese was extremely unfair. â€Å"The racial purpose of this new tax was transparent: aimed mainly at the Chinese, this new tax required a monthly payment of three dollars from every foreign miner who did not desire to have become a citizen† (Takaki 82). This law imposed on the immigrants was mainly an act to drive away Chinese immigrants and take away their businesses. Slowly after, lives for the Chinese have become increasingly difficult. Instead of owning businesses, some have to organize themselves into small groups. Chinese people were marked as inferior people among the â€Å"white Americans†. A common connection between the Chinese and Japanese is that women are usually restricted from their men of the same culture, causing Chinese and Japanese men to go for women other than their traditional culture. This usually leads to men marrying a white woman, in addition to having a family together, meanwhile losing all cultural traditions. Moreover, when the law was passed that Asian immigrants are allowed into the United States, they were stopped with the Asian Exclusion Act, where they are sojourned from migration and naturalization. The constant racial discrimination against Asians has become the main argument behind these immigrants’ experiences. Many immigrants hoped to move to America, wishing to adapt to American culture and lifestyles and believing that it is possible to be â€Å"white†. However, they were driven out of American due to being a minority. â€Å"Historically, whites generally perceived America as a racially homogenous society and Americans as white. Long before the Chinese arrived, they had already been predetermined for exclusion by this set of ideas; the Chinese future in America could be seen in the black and Indian past† (Takaki 100). This can be seen as racism towards the Chinese workers. This distinction was made because the Chinese, like the blacks were viewed as threats in white society. In the eyes of Americans, there are no differences between Chinese and Japanese. They have a shared history and lots of community, especially seen through racism. This is true to a certain extent only because the Gentlemen’s Agreement Act have created some equality for the Japanese. The Japanese were treated slightly better than the Chinese. While the United States would impose restrictions on Chinese immigrants, they were more lenient with Japanese immigrations in that there were no restrictions imposed. There were government differences because Japanese victory against Russia has made Japan demand for their identity in America.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Report on Banglalion Wimax Ltd.

Prospects of Wimax Industry Development in Savar Area (Banglalion) [pic] September 20, 2011 To, Lecturer, Golam Mohammad Forkan Faculty of Business Administration, Eastern University Subject: Submission of Report on â€Å"Prospects of Wimax Industry Development in Savar Area† Sir, With due respect, we want to state that, we are the students of Eastern University, of B. B. A. program. We are supposed to do a report on â€Å"Prospects of Wimax Industry Development in Savar Area† In this report we have discussed about the prospects and possibilities of Wimax industry and Banglalion. Here we mainly discussed customer acceptability of these two. Our Marketing Research course teacher gives us an overall idea about how to write the report, which help us a lot to conclude this report. Without his gracious contributions we may not be able to complete this report successfully. Sincerely yours, ______________ Md, Fazle Rabbi Jico ID#082200068 On Behalf of my group members. Prospects of Wimax Industry Development in Savar Area (Banglalion) Prepared for: Golam Mohamad Forkan Assistant Professor Faculty of Business Administration Eastern University Prepared by: MD. Fazle Rabbi Jico ID: 082200068 MD Afzal Hossain ID: 082200026 Shakir Mafsur ID: 082200121 Basir Uddin Amit ID: 082200127 Section: 02 Eastern University 20th September, 2011 Table of content |Particulars |Page No. |Letter of transmittal |2 | |Executive Summary | 5-6 | |Introduction | 7-18 | |Background | 19-21 | |Objective of the report | 22 | |Methodology |22 | |Scope and Limitation of the report |22 | |Company Overview | 23-25 | |Results And Discussions | 26-29 | |Findings | 30 | |Recommendation and Conclusion | 31 |Reference | | |Appendix | 32-43 | |Bibliography | | Executive Summary Success of business depends on several factors and wise decisions; so far Banglalion wimax a wireless internet connectivity provider has been conducting its business quite successfully having great respo nse in Bangladesh. As a company it has got enough fund and sponsors to invest more to capture market share of internet user. According to demand it has given its response towards it gradually and knowing the demand doing continuous research and promotion. Internet service providers association Bangladesh, Sirius broadband, Access telecom ltd, Bangladesh online ltd, Bijoy ISP in Bangladesh, Agni system ltd, Dhakacom ltd, Neksus, Isn, are broadband service providers. Broadband connection provides mainly post paid service and due to weather hazard it get disconnected and during rainy season its quality go down for all the subscribers, and as its not portable. Emergence of modem got very high acceptance and Banglalion wimax filled the space very smartly being sincere about its investment, very high demand is existing in some small city and other regions all over the country. This research will verify how worthy would be the investment of network expansion in Savar. A company should never take decision in ambiguity, Savar, one of the important upazila contains potential market though it could be said by assumption, because first company should know are they ready to accept the service. Earlier some areas have showed potential market but didn’t give positive response because of competitors, local broadband providers was in a strong position. Before investing it should be found that how the competitors are operating, is the market ready to switch? if they, then how long will it take? do education and demographic information seem positive or ot ,occupation and computer users number and all other information and their willingness to accept the service is subject to verify. Savar seem to be a potential field as its demography and environment is positive. Some information’s about Savar – The main occupations are Agriculture 24. 34%, agricul tural labourer 12. 84%, wage labourer 4. 44%, cattle breeding, forestry and fishing 1. 90%, industry 1. 37%, commerce 17. 35%, service 20. 68%, construction 1. 66%, transport 3. 96% and others 11. 46%. There are many other important institutions in Savar. The 9th Division Army Cantonment is located here. There is a Military Firm and Govt Dairy Firm beside Jahangirnagar University. BPATC training center (Public Administration Training Centre), the only training centre for the public service commissioned officers in Bangladesh, is situated in Savar. Radio Bangladesh (Bangladesh Betar) employers Residence and The Transmission Zone with huge Transmission Setup. (HPT-1; high power transmission, HPT-2 etc. ). Two Largest entertainment theme parks of Bangladesh namely â€Å"Fantasy Kingdom† and â€Å"Nondon Park† are also located here. Fantasy is situated in Jamgora Bazar and Nondon Park is situated in Jirani. BKSP, Bangladesh Krira Shiksha Pratisthan, the only national sports institute of Bangladesh is also situated in Jirani Bazar, Savar. Dhaka Export processing Zone, DEPZ is also situated in this upazila. There are 2 universities, 5 colleges, 5 school and colleges, 38 high schools, 3 junior high schools, 16 madrasas, 88 government primary schools, 13 non-government primary schools, 12 community schools, 8 satellite schools, and 1 sports institution. Some of the noteworthy institutions are Adhar Chandra High School (established in 1913), Jahangirnagar University (along with its School and College), Gana Bishwabiddalay, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Bangladesh Krira Shikha Institution, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Satellite Ground Receiving Station (Talibabad), National Institute of Biotechnology, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar Youth Training Centre, Brac Training Centre. All the macro environmental factors satisfy that there is a positive environment in savar and these institutions and industries can give thousands of users, now it is needed to find out that demand among possible market is high or low, their willingness to purchase and brand loyalty of them, how much they are influenced by promotional activities of Banglalion so far, competitors position by conducting research thus the research is must to get to know that. The study proved that Banglalion and wimax industry has potentials in Savar and network expansion should be taken into account to grab the large market. Introduction WiMAX refers to interoperable implementations of the IEEE 802. 16 family of wireless-networks standards ratified by the WiMAX Forum. Similarly, Wi-Fi, refers to interoperable implementations of the IEEE 802. 11 Wireless LAN standards certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance. WiMAX Forum certification allows vendors to sell fixed or mobile products as WiMAX certified, thus ensuring a level of interoperability with other certified products, as long as they fit the same profile. The original IEEE 802. 16 standard (now called â€Å"Fixed WiMAX†) was published in 2001. WiMAX adopted some of its technology from WiBro, a service marketed in Korea. [4] Mobile WiMAX (originally based on 802. 16e-2005) is the revision that was deployed in many countries, and basis of future revisions such as 802. 16m-2011. WiMAX is sometimes referred to as â€Å"Wi-Fi on steroids†[5] and can be used for a number of applications including broadband connections, cellular backhaul, hotspots, etc. It is similar to Wi-Fi but it can also permit usage at much greater distances. [6] Uses The bandwidth and range of WiMAX make it suitable for the following potential applications: †¢ Providing portable mobile broadband connectivity across cities and countries through a variety of devices. †¢ Providing a wireless alternative to cable and digital subscriber line (DSL) for â€Å"last mile† broadband access. †¢ Providing data, telecommunications (VoIP) and IPTV services (triple play). †¢ Providing a source of Internet connectivity as part of a business continuity plan. Internet access WiMAX can provide at-home or mobile Internet access across whole cities or countries. In many cases this has resulted in competition in markets which typically only had access through an existing incumbent DSL (or similar) operator. Additionally, given the relatively low costs associated with the deployment of a WiMAX network (in comparison with 3G, HSDPA, xDSL, HFC or FTTx), it is now economically viable to provide last-mile broadband Internet access in remote locations. Backhaul Mobile WiMAX was a replacement candidate for cellular phone technologies such as GSM and CDMA, or can be used as an overlay to increase capacity. Fixed WiMAX is also considered as a wireless backhaul technology for 2G, 3G, and 4G networks in both developed and developing nations. [7][8] In North America, backhaul for urban operations is typically provided via one or more copper wire line connections, whereas remote cellular operations are sometimes backhauled via satellite. In other regions, urban and rural backhaul is usually provided by microwave links. (The exception to this is where the network is operated by an incumbent with ready access to the copper network. ) WiMAX has more substantial backhaul bandwidth requirements than legacy cellular applications. Consequently the use of wireless microwave backhaul is on the rise in North America and existing microwave backhaul links in all regions are being upgraded. [9] Capacities of between 34  Mbit/s and 1  Gbit/s [10] are routinely being deployed with latencies in the order of 1  M. S. In many cases, operators are aggregating sites using wireless technology and then presenting traffic on to fiber networks where convenient. Triple-play WiMAX supports the technologies that make triple-play service offerings possible (such as Quality of Service and Multicasting). On May 7, 2008 in the United States, Sprint Nextel, Google, Intel, Comcast, Bright House, and Time Warner announced a pooling of an average of 120  MHz of spectrum and merged with Clear wire to market the service. The new company hopes to benefit from combined services offerings and network resources as a springboard past its competitors. The cable companies will provide media services to other partners while gaining access to the wireless network as a Mobile virtual network operator to provide triple-play services. Some analysts questioned how the deal will work out: Although fixed-mobile onvergence has been a recognized factor in the industry, prior attempts to form partnerships among wireless and cable companies have generally failed to lead to significant benefits to the participants. Other analysts point out that as wireless progresses to higher bandw idth; it inevitably competes more directly with cable and DSL, inspiring competitors into collaboration. Also, as wireless broadband networks grow denser and usage habits shift, the need for increased backhaul and media service will accelerate, therefore the opportunity to leverage cable assets is expected to increase. Deployment †¢ WiMAX access was used to assist with communications in Aceh, Indonesia, after the tsunami in December 2004. All communication infrastructures in the area, other than amateur radio, was destroyed, making the survivors unable to communicate with people outside the disaster area and vice versa. WiMAX provided broadband access that helped regenerate communication to and from Aceh. †¢ WiMAX hardware was donated by Intel Corporation to assist the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and FEMA in their communications efforts in the areas affected by Hurricane Katrina. [11] In practice, volunteers used mainly self-healing mesh, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and a satellite uplink combined with Wi-Fi on the local link. Connecting [pic] A WiMAX USB modem for mobile internet Devices that provide connectivity to a WiMAX network are known as the â€Å"subscriber unit† (SU). Portable units include handsets (similar to cellular smart phones); PC peripherals (PC Cards or USB dongles); and embedded devices in laptops, which are now available for Wi-Fi services. In addition, there is much emphasis by operators on consumer electronics devices such as Gaming consoles, MP3 players and similar devices. WiMAX is more similar to Wi-Fi than to other 3G cellular technologies. The WiMAX Forum website provides a list of certified devices. However, this is not a complete list of devices available as certified modules are embedded into laptops, MIDs (Mobile Internet devices), and other private labeled devices. Gateways WiMAX gateway devices are available as both indoor and outdoor versions from several manufacturers. Many of the WiMAX gateways that are offered by manufactures such as Alvarion, Airspan, ZyXEL, Huawei, Motorola, and Green Packet are stand-alone self-install indoor units. Such devices typically sit near the customer's window with the best signal, and provide: †¢ An integrated Wi-Fi access point to provide the WiMAX Internet connectivity to multiple devices throughout the home or business. †¢ Ethernet ports to connect directly to a computer or DVR instead. †¢ One or two analog telephone jacks to connect a land-line phone and take advantage of VoIP. Indoor gateways are convenient, but radio losses mean that the subscriber may need to be significantly closer to the WiMAX base station than with professionally-installed external units. Outdoor units are roughly the size of a laptop PC, and their installation is comparable to the installation of a residential satellite dish. A higher-gain directional outdoor unit will generally result in greatly increased range and throughput but with the obvious loss of practical mobility of the unit. External modems [pic] External USB modem by Yota marketing in Russia, 2010 USB can provide connectivity to a WiMAX network through what is called a dongle. Generally these devices are connected to a notebook or net book computer. Dongles typically have omni directional antennae which are of lower-gain compared to other devices; as such these devices are best used in areas of good coverage. Mobile phones HTC announced the first WiMAX enabled mobile phone, the Max 4G, on November 12, 2008. The device was only available to certain markets in Russia on the Yota network. HTC and Sprint Nextel released the second WiMAX enabled mobile phone, the EVO 4G, March 23, 2010 at the CTIA conference in Las Vegas. The device, made available on June 4, 2010, is capable of both EV-DO(3G) and WiMAX(4G) as well as simultaneous data & voice sessions. A number of WiMAX Mobiles are expected to hit the US market in 2011. Technical nformation |[pic] |It has been suggested that this article or section be merged into IEEE 802. 16 . (Discuss Proposed since August 2011. | The IEEE 802. 16 Standard WiMAX is based upon IEEE Std 802. 16e-2005, approved in December 2005. It is a supplement to the IEEE STD 802. 16-2004and so the actual standar d is 802. 16-2004 as amended by 802. 16e-2005. Thus, these specifications need to be considered together. IEEE 802. 16e-2005 improves upon IEEE 802. 16-2004 by: †¢ Adding support for mobility (soft and hard handover between base stations). This is seen as one of the most important aspects of 802. 16e-2005, and is the very basis of Mobile WiMAX. Scaling of the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) to the channel bandwidth in order to keep the carrier spacing constant across different channel bandwidths (typically 1. 25  MHz, 5  MHz, 10  MHz or 20  MHz). Constant carrier spacing results in higher spectrum efficiency in wide channels, and a cost reduction in narrow channels. Also known as Scalable OFDMA (SOFDMA). Other bands not multiples of 1. 25  MHz are defined in the standard, but because the allowed FFT subcarrier numbers are only 128, 512, 1024 and 2048, other frequency bands will not have exactly the same carrier spacing, which might not be optimal for implementations. Car rier spacing is 10. 94  kHz. †¢ Advanced antenna diversity schemes, and hybrid automatic repeat-request (HARQ) †¢ Adaptive Antenna Systems (AAS) and MIMO technology Denser sub-channelization, thereby improving indoor penetration †¢ Introducing Turbo Coding and Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) †¢ Introducing downlink sub-channelization, allowing administrators to trade coverage for capacity or vice versa †¢ Adding an extra Quos class for VoIP applications. SOFDMA (used in 802. 16e-2005) and OFDM256 (802. 16d) are not compatible thus equipment will have to be replaced if an operator is to move to the later standard (e. g. , Fixed WiMAX to Mobile WiMAX). Physical layer The original version of the standard on which WiMAX is based (IEEE 802. 16) specified a physical layer operating in the 10 to 66  GHz range. 802. 16a, updated in 2004 to 802. 16-2004, added specifications for the 2 to 11  GHz range. 802. 16-2004 was updated by 802. 6e-2005 in 2005 and uses s calable orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (SOFDMA) as opposed to the fixed orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) version with 256 sub-carriers (of which 200 are used) in 802. 16d. More advanced versions, including 802. 16e, also bring multiple antenna support through MIMO (See WiMAX MIMO). This brings potential benefits in terms of coverage, self installation, power consumption, frequency re-use and bandwidth efficiency. WiMax is the most energy-efficient pre-4G technique among LTE and HSPA+. MEDIA ACCESS CONTROL, MAC (data link) layer The WiMAX MAC uses a scheduling algorithm for which the subscriber station needs to compete only once for initial entry into the network. After network entry is allowed, the subscriber station is allocated an access slot by the base station. The time slot can enlarge and contract, but remains assigned to the subscriber station, which means that other subscribers cannot use it. In addition to being stable under overload and over-subscription, the scheduling algorithm can also be more bandwidth efficient. The scheduling algorithm also allows the base station to control Quality of service (Quos) parameters by balancing the time-slot assignments among the application needs of the subscriber station. Deployment As a standard intended to satisfy needs of next-generation data networks (4G), WiMAX is distinguished by its dynamic burst algorithm modulation adaptive to the physical environment the RF signal travels through. Modulation is chosen to be more spectrally efficient (more bits per OFDM/SOFDMA symbol). That is, when the bursts have a high signal strength and a high carrier to noise plus interference ratio (CINR), they can be more easily decoded using digital signal processing (DSP). In contrast, operating in less favorable environments for RF communication, the system automatically steps down to a more robust mode (burst profile) which means fewer bits per OFDM/SOFDMA symbol; with the advantage that power per bit is higher and therefore simpler accurate signal processing can be performed. Burst profiles are used inverse (algorithmically dynamic) to low signal attenuation; meaning throughput between clients and the base station is determined largely by distance. Maximum distance is achieved by the use of the most robust burst setting; that is, the profile with the largest MAC frame allocation trade-off requiring more symbols (a larger portion of the MAC frame) to be allocated in transmitting a given amount of data than if the client were closer to the base station. The client's MAC frame and their individual burst profiles are defined as well as the specific time allocation. However, even if this is done automatically then the practical deployment should avoid high interference and multipath environments. The reason for which is obviously that too much interference causes the network to function poorly and can also misrepresent the capability of the network. The system is complex to deploy as it is necessary to track not only the signal strength and CINR (as in systems like GSM) but also how the available frequencies will be dynamically assigned (resulting in dynamic changes to the available bandwidth. ) This could lead to cluttered frequencies with slow response times or lost frames. As a result the system has to be initially designed in consensus with the base station product team to accurately project frequency use, interference, and general product functionality. The Asia-Pacific region has surpassed the North American region in terms of 4G broadband wireless subscribers. There were around 1. 7 million pre-WIMAX and WIMAX customers in Asia – 29% of the overall market – compared to 1. 4 million in the USA and Canada. [19] Spectrum allocation There is no uniform global licensed spectrum for WiMAX, however the WiMAX Forum has published three licensed spectrum profiles: 2. 3  GHz, 2. 5  GHz and 3. 5  GHz, in an effort to drive standardization and decrease cost. In the USA, the biggest segment available is around 2. 5  GHz,[21] and is already assigned, primarily to Sprint Nextel and Clear wire. Elsewhere in the world, the most-likely bands used will be the Forum approved ones, with 2. 3  GHz probably being most important in Asia. Some countries in Asia like India and Indonesia will use a mix of 2. 5  GHz, 3. 3  GHz and other frequencies. Pakistan's Wateen Telecom uses 3. 5  GHz. Analog TV bands (700  MHz) may become available for WiMAX usage, but await the complete roll out of digital TV, nd there will be other uses suggested for that spectrum. In the USA the FCC auction for this spectrum began in January 2008 and, as a result, the biggest share of the spectrum went to Verizon Wireless and the next biggest to AT. [22] Both of these companies have stated their intention of supporting LTE, a technology which competes directly with WiMAX. EU commissioner Viviane Reding has suggested re-allocation of 500–800  MHz spectrum for wireless communication, including WiMAX. [23] WiMAX profiles define channel size, TDD/FDD and other necessary attributes in order to have inter-operating products. The current fixed profiles are defined for both TDD and FDD profiles. At this point, all of the mobile profiles are TDD only. The fixed profiles have channel sizes of 3. 5  MHz, 5  MHz, 7  MHz and 10  MHz. The mobile profiles are 5  MHz, 8. 75  MHz and 10  MHz. (Note: the 802. 16 standard allows a far wider variety of channels, but only the above subsets are supported as WiMAX profiles. ) Since October 2007, the Radio communication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R) has decided to include WiMAX technology in the IMT-2000 set of standards. This enables spectrum owners (specifically in the 2. 5-2. 69  GHz band at this stage) to use WiMAX equipment in any country that recognizes the IMT-2000. Spectral efficiency One of the significant advantages of advanced wireless systems such as WiMAX is spectral efficiency. For example, 802. 16-2004 (fixed) has a spectral efficiency of 3. 7 (bit/s)/Hertz, and other 3. 5–4G wireless systems offer spectral efficiencies that are similar to within a few tenths of a percent. The notable advantage of WiMAX comes from combining SOFDMA with smart antenna technologies. This multiplies the effective spectral efficiency through multiple reuse and smart network deployment topologies. The direct use of frequency domain organization simplifies designs using MIMO-AAS compared to CDMA/WCDMA methods, resulting in more effective systems. Inherent Limitations WiMAX cannot deliver 70  Mbit/s over 50 kilometers (31 miles). Like all wireless technologies, WiMAX can operate at higher bitrates or over longer distances but not both. Operating at the maximum range of 50  km (31 miles) increases bit error rate and thus results in a much lower bitrate. Conversely, reducing the range (to under 1  km) allows a device to operate at higher bitrates. A city-wide deployment of WiMAX in Perth, Australia demonstrated that customers at the cell-edge with an indoor Customer-premises equipment(CPE) typically obtain speeds of around 1–4  Mbit/s, with users closer to the cell tower obtaining speeds of up to 30  Mbit/s. Like all wireless systems, available bandwidth is shared between users in a given radio sector, so performance could deteriorate in the case of many active users in a single sector. However, with adequate capacity planning and the use of WiMAX's Quality of Service, a minimum guaranteed throughput for each subscriber can be put in place. In practice, most users will have a range of 4-8  Mbit/s services and additional radio cards will be added to the base station to increase the number of users that may be served as required. Silicon implementations [pic] Picture of a WiMAX MIMO board A number of specialized companies produced baseband ICs and integrated RFICs for WiMAX Subscriber Stations in the 2. 3, 2. 5 and 3.   GHz band (refer to ‘Spectrum allocation' above). These companies include but not limited to Beceem, Sequans and PicoChip. Intel Corporation is a leader in promoting WiMAX, but has limited its WiMAX chipset development and instead chosen to invest in these speciali zed companies producing silicon compatible with the various WiMAX deployments throughout the globe. Comparison Comparisons and confusion between WiMAX and Wi-Fi are frequent because both are related to wireless connectivity and Internet access. †¢ WiMAX is a long range system, covering many kilometres, that uses licensed or unlicensed spectrum to deliver connection to a network, in most cases the Internet. Wi-Fi uses unlicensed spectrum to provide access to a local network. †¢ Wi-Fi is more popular in end user devices. †¢ Wi-Fi runs on the Media Access Control's CSMA/CA protocol, which is connectionless and contention based, whereas WiMAX runs a connection-oriented MAC. †¢ WiMAX and Wi-Fi have quite different quality of service (Quos) mechanisms: o WiMAX uses a Quos mechanism based on connections between the base station and the user device. Each connection is based on specific scheduling algorithms. o Wi-Fi uses contention access – all subscriber stations that wish to pass data through a wireless access point (AP) are competing for the AP's attention on a random interrupt basis. This can cause subscriber stations distant from the AP to be repeatedly interrupted by closer stations, greatly reducing their throughput. †¢ Both 802. 11 (which includes Wi-Fi) and 802. 16 (which includes WiMAX) define Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and ad hoc networks, where an end user communicates to users or servers on another Local Area Network (LAN) using its access point or base station. However, 802. 11 supports also direct ad hoc or peer to peer networking between end user devices without an access point while 802. 16 end user devices must be in range of the base station. Although Wi-Fi and WiMAX are designed for different situations, they are complementary. WiMAX network operators typically provide a WiMAX Subscriber Unit which connects to the metropolitan WiMAX network and provides Wi-Fi within the home or business for local devices (e. g. , Laptops, Wi-Fi Handsets, smart phones) for connectivity. This enables the user to place the WiMAX Subscriber Unit in the best reception area (such as a window), and still be able to use the WiMAX network from any place within their residence. Background Seven major division is under coverage of Banglalion ut not fully,Savar has been believed as one of the major region . now information and possibilities of svar are subject to look at here before taking any major decision by Banglalion. Savar has 13 Unions/Wards, 350 Mauzas/Mahallas, and 321 villages. The municipal area (Savar Town) consists of 9 wards and 55 mahallas. The area of the town is 24. 1  km?. It has a population of 124885; male 53. 03%, female 46. 97%; population density per km? of 5182. Savar thana was established in 1912 and was turned into an upazila in 1983. Agriculture and manufacturing are the two major economic sectors in Savar. The main crops grown here are Paddy, Jute, peanut, onion, garlic, chilli and other vegetables. The extinct or nearly extinct crops in the region are Aus paddy, Asha Kumari paddy, sesame, linseed, kali mator, randhuni saj, mitha saj, kaun and mas kalai. The main fruits cultivated here are Jackfruit, mango, olive, papaya, guava, kamranga, berry and banana. There are 181 combined fisheries, dairies and poultries Dairy, 5 hatcheries, 209 poultries, and 1319 fisheries. Manufacturing facilities include Ceramic industry, beverage industry, press and publication, garments industry, foot ware, jute mills, textile mills, printing and dying factory, transformer industry, automobile industry, biscuit and bread factory, pharmaceutical industry, soap factory, brick field, cold storage, welding, plant nursery, etc. Bangladesh Export Processing Zone is located in this upazila. The Cottage industry includes 8 Weaving, 100 goldsmith and 29 others workshops. The main exports are Jackfruit, papaya, flower, sapling, dairy products, meat, transformer, fabrics, dye, medicine, readymade garments, electronics and electric goods, shoe, brick, sweetmeat etc. There are 62  km of pucca, 56  km of semi pucca, 562  km of mud road; and 50  km of highway. Transports used here include the traditional (and extinct or nearly extinct) Palanquin, bullock cart and horse carriage as well as modern day vehicles. There are 14 regular Hats and bazars here. Noted bazars are Savar, Nabinagar, Amin Bazar, Balibhadra and Bagbari Bazar. Noted hats include Ashulia, Savar, Shimulia, Kathgara, Sadullapur, Nayar hat (with adjoined bazar), and Vhakurar Hat. Prominent fairs include Darogali Bayati Mela (Nayarhat), Bahattar Prahar mela (Savar), Ghora Pirer Mela (Nalam), Muharram Mela (Katlapur) and Pawsh Mela (Dhamsona). Several Hindu families played a critical role in the development of the township during the British Raj in the 19th and first half of the 20th century. After partition of India in 1947, the Hindu influence in the area waned following the departure of many prominent Hindu families. The 1960s saw the establishment of some important institutions, including a dairy farm and a University in the area. Concurrently, communist politics was on the rise in the area. However, this was replaced with Bengali nationalist zeal, when the Awami League won the 1970 election in this constituency. In 1975, Savar came to the spotlight when the Maoist leader Shiraj Shikdar was secretly tortured and executed at Savar cantonment. Savar was politically important to the military dictators of the mid-1970s and '80s, as the cantonment armory here was the closest one outside the capital. From the 1990s to mid-2000s, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party candidate has been routinely elected to parliament from this constituency. However, Awami League and other parties; Communist Party of Bangladesh, Bangladesher Samajtantrik Dal, Worker's Party(Menon), National Awami Party, Sammobady Dal (including several Islamist ones) continue to have grassroots presence. The general election at the end of 2008 saw an Awami League candidate elected to parliament from this constituency. Jahangirnagar University and a few colleges in the area serve as a hotbed of active student politics and strife. Foreign dignitaries customarily visit Savar as a part of their trip to Bangladesh to pay respect to the martyrs of 1971 a Savar is the home of Jahangirnagar University, a Public University of Bangladesh and only University for full student residence facilities which is famous for its scenic beauty and as a prime destination for the Siberian migratory birds during winter. There are many other important institutions in Savar. The 9th Division Army Cantonment is located here. There is a Military Firm and Govt Dairy Firm Beside Jahangirnagar University. BPATC training center (Public Administration Training Centre), the only training centre for the public service commissioned officers in Bangladesh, is situated in Savar. Radio Bangladesh (Bangladesh Betar) employers Residence and The Transmission Zone with huge Transmission Setup. HPT-1; high power transmission, HPT-2 etc. ). Two Largest entertainment theme parks of Bangladesh namely â€Å"Fantasy Kingdom† and â€Å"Nondon Parkâ⠂¬  are also located here. Fantasy Kingdom is situated in Jamgora Bazar and Nondon Park is situated in Jirani. BKSP, Bangladesh Krira Shiksha Pratisthan, the only national sports institute of Bangladesh is also situated in Jirani Bazar, Savar. Dhaka Export processing Zone, DEPZ is also situated in this upazila. There are 318 Mosques, 8 churches and 68 other religious institutions, most noted of which are Jahangirnagar University and Savar Dairy Farm Mosques, Savar Baptist Church, Savar Daskinpara Harir Akhra Temple and Panchabati Ashram Temple. There are 2 universities, 5 colleges, 5 school and colleges, 38 high schools, 3 junior high schools, 16 madrasas, 88 government primary schools, 13 non-government primary schools, 12 community schools, 8 satellite schools, and 1 sports institution. Some of the noteworthy institutions are Adhar Chandra High School (established in 1913), Jahangirnagar University (along with its School and College), Gana Bishwabiddalay, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Bangladesh Krira Shikha Institution, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Satellite Ground Receiving Station (Talibabad), National Institute of Biotechnology, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar Youth Training Centre, Brac Training Centre. The locally published newspapers and periodicals are Jagrata Kantha, Savar Barta, Saf Katha, Savar Kantha and Ganabhasa. The officially registered cultural and social organizations here include 81 Co-operative societies, 1 children's organization, 3 film societies, 5 cinema halls, 5 theatre groups, 1 theatre stage, 3 music centre, 5 orphanages, 1 opera party (an indigenous travelling theater troop), 3 women's club, 1 chapter of Bangladesh Mohila Parishad, 2 Amnesty organizations, 1 golf club, 2 entertainment parks. There are numerous other unofficial organizations as well. The operationally important NGOs are brac, asa, proshika, grameen bank, Ganasastha Kendra, World Vision, Swanirvor Bangladesh, VERC, Palli Mangal Karmasuchi, CDD, Adesh, Mother Vision Society of Bangladesh (AID FOR EYE DISABLE) etc. The health centers in Savar include 1 Upazila health complex, a combined military hospital (Savar Cantonment), the Korea Bangladesh Friendship Hospital, 7 family planning centers, 2 satellite clinics, and 21 private clinics. Objectives Broad objective †¢ To find out the prospects of wimax industry and Banglalion in Savar. Specific objective †¢ To know about product related prospects of Wimax and Banglalion †¢ To know about price related prospects of Wimax and Banglalion †¢ To know about Distribution related prospects of Wimax and Banglalion †¢ To know about promotion related prospects of Wimax and Banglalion Scope and limitations We could have conduct vast survey if we had enough members and other supports. If we could have a representative of Banglalion communication would be easier with sample as they could have all their answers Limitations we faced are Time constraint †¢ Insufficient Lab facilities †¢ Restrictions when entering several offices †¢ Lack of cooperativeness by the authority Methodology The data is collected from primary and secondary source. To find out the primary data we have done a survey in savar and also made an informal interview with some lo cal people. We also had to use the Secondary source for company profile. We visited their website and some other websites for relevant information. And to analyze we used SPSS 12 for statistical analysis. Company overview Banglalion Communications Ltd is a private limited company incorporated in Bangladesh on 5 Nov 2008 under the Companies Act, 1994. The company obtained license from Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) to operate Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) services nationwide using WiMAX technology in 18 November 2008. Augere Wireless Broadband Bangladesh Ltd yesterday launched the much-waited wireless broadband service through WiMax in some designated areas in Dhaka. Augere, one of the two WiMax licensees, is the first company in Bangladesh to launch such service under the brand name ‘Banglalion'. Augere is initially offering two packages. Customer will have to pay Tk 3,400 a month for the Banglalion 512 kbps package. The monthly charge for the Qubee 1 Mb has been fixed at Tk 6,200, while the modem price for both the packages is Tk 7,000. Initially, the service was available for businesses and residential customers in Gulshan, Banani, Baridhara, Mirpur and Uttara. Service will be available across Bangladesh soon. WiMax is a technology that provides wireless transmission of data using a variety of transmission modes from point-to-multipoint links to portable and fully mobile internet access. The technology supports peak download rates of up to 46 Mbps and peak uplink rates of up to 14 Mbps. Jerry Mobbs, chief executive officer of Augere Bangladesh, Russell T Ahmed, chief marketing officer, were present at the launching ceremony. Augere also unveiled a Flagship Store at Gulshan to provide 24-hour customer services. Three bidders — BanglaLion Communication, BRAC BD Mail Network Ltd and Augere Wireless Broadband Bangladesh Ltd — won the WiMax licences through an auction organised by the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) in September last year. However, BRAC later refused to take the licence. UK-based Augere Holdings owns 60 percent of Augere Wireless Broadband Bangladesh Ltd along with two local companies. Teleport Bangladesh owns 30 percent and Aamra Resources Ltd owns the remaining 10 percent. Banglalion provides broadband internet services to residential and commercial users in Bangladesh using WiMAX technology. We understand, that consumer and businesses in Bangladesh need and want faster, accessible, and affordable broadband internet service and we are working hard to ensure that. We are a new company with Integrity, Dynamism, Commitment and Innovation who continuously developing our infrastructure starting in Dhaka and some major cities, thus bringing the whole country under coverage. Banglalion currently covers 8 divisional cities Dhaka, Narayanganj, Chittagong, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Khulna, Rangpur & Barisal with hopes of covering all the major areas of Dhaka city by the end of 2010, entire Dhaka city by second quarter of 2011, and the entire country by the second quarter of 2013. Banglalion has already made a presence in Chittagong by covering some major areas in the city with about 14 BTS. Meantime, network rollout in other major cities such as: Munshiganj, Gazipur, Mymensingh, Comilla, Noakhali, Laxmipur, Satkhira, Bogra, and Cox's Bazar are about to begin. These cities and peripheries are expected to be under the coverage of BanglaLion by the end of 2nd quarter 2012; BanglaLion plans to bring most of the areas of the country under its seamless coverage. As part of the coverage plan, BanglaLion has already installed & commissioned 35 BTSs. With these 35 BTSs, BanglaLion plans to cover the key areas of Dhaka by end of December 2009. By the 1st quarter of 2010, BanglaLion plans to bring the whole Dhaka city and it’s wider periphery under coverage by installing 300 BTSs. Meantime, network rollout in other major cities such as; Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna, Rajshahi, Barisal are about to begin. These cities and peripheries are xpected to be under the coverage of BanglaLion coverage by the 3rd quarter of 2010 and by the end of 2nd quarter 2011, BanglaLion plans to bring most of the areas of the country under its seamless coverage Right now you can find our partial coverage in the following locations in Dhaka City: Motijheel ,Chankherpul , Nakhal Para, Banani,Uttara,Mohakhali, Shyamoli,Mouchak,Central Road ,Dhanmondi,Gulshan Lalmatia Mohammadpur Badda TikatoliMugda Para/Bashab,Nikunja,Kochukhet,Baridhara (DOHS),Rampura/Banasree Result and Discussion Product related discussion Statistics | |Wimax Industry | |. 031 |4 | Reliability test means how reliable the responses are but here value of alpha should have been around . or more but still it is positive and after deleting two negative value we found that the responses are not that reliable but we can be positive about the responses. Price related statistics Statistics | |Prepaid Charges|Postpaid Charges|Charges of |B. p worth the |Availability | | | | |broadband providers|charges | | |N |Valid |100 |100 |100 |100 | |Median |4. 00 |4. 00 |2. 00 |2. 00 |5. 0 | |Mode |5 |5 |2 |2 |5 | The table indicate that prepaid charges are reasonable and as well as postpaid charges,but charges of broadband providers could not satisfy the subscribers as thir response mostly said they disagree and on avegare they are disagre and median is again disagree. Price related Reliability statistics |Cronbach's Alpha |N of Items | |. 276 |4 | Here after removing one negative value we can be positive that the answers are reliable although value of alpha is below standard. Distribution related Statistics |Availability |Bill payment |Customer care | |N |Valid |100 |100 |100 | | |Missing |4 |4 |4 | |Mean |4. 48 |4. 21 |3. 70 | |Median |5. 00 |4. 00 |4. 00 | |Mode |5 |4 |3 | Maximum people agreed that they want scratch card of prepaid Banglalion available in mobile and telecommunications shop and they strongly agreed mostly and on average they are agreed or strongly agreed They want to pay bills from local telecommunication shops as rear response was between the ranges of agree and strongly agree. Along with online customer care service people want customer care centre, but many stayed neutral in this regard perhaps they want the service to get experienced first then they will may think about customer care. Reliability statistics |Cronbach's Alpha |N of Items | |. 147 |3 | Again we can be positive about the respondents as we got a positive value of cronbachs alpha and it would have been better if it would show . 5 or above but still we will be positive. Promotion related statistics | |word of mouth | |. 111 |4 | Promotion related responses are positive again and though . 5 or above value is still missing but we can be positive about the responses. Findings People of Savar will gladly welcome wimax industry as they have lots of institutes and business and education is rich in number according to census board. †¢ Local broadband providers could not provide good enough service as they do not take prompt action when they get any complaints and that do not give connection duri ng weather hazard and even in case of heavy rainfall †¢ Surprises motivate customers but broadband providers do not provide that and the business is based on dealership so there is no formal strategy is followed †¢ Promotion of banglalion made good impact on them they heard through word of mouth and they and they are pleased with media exposure that indicates no promotional strategy will be needed to follow specially for savar. Social network and online income is the craze among the youth and Banglalion targeted that while promotion their product. †¢ Banglalion gives surprises and free usage and that is not provided by broadband providers and free usage is demanded by the customers that means no other treatment would be needed. †¢ Banglalion distributes scratch cards in local telecommunication shops to make it available again people of Savar want these this way †¢ As all the information’s showed positive responses and all the strategy followed by Bang lalion matched there are lots of possibilities in Savar †¢ Demographic information shows positive result too †¢ Failure of broadband providers is creating a chance to grab a huge market. Conclusion and Recommendation Banglaion has all they need to expand their service and the people of savar and its infrastructure development are favorable too. Banglalion should not change its promotional and distributional strategies as they would need time and fund for that but they should design plans for savar. Savar is such an area where tower for network coverage for wimax service has not been established yet. So Banglalion should be the pioneer is Savar before competitors fill the gap. Banglalion’s marketing strategy has worked well in Savar as they know the brand as a well-known one. Its word of mouth has reached to a large market so it should continue with its service consistently. Price has been important factor for choosing a brand over competitor as Banglalion provides many packages customer can fine tune their choices and price should not be increased and it should continue its strategy of giving free usage Distribution system and strategy has got positive response and local telecommunication shops have been proved as useful tool. Customer did not emphasize on customer care centre so that indicate establishment of network could be started first. Later on customer care may be established. Appendix Statistics | |Wimax Industry |Preferences |Staying Home |Online Income | |Valid |Agree |47 |45. 2 |47. 0 |47. 0 | | |Strongly agree |53 |51. 0 |53. 0 |100. | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Preferences | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Neutral |17 |16. 3 |17. 0 |17. 0 | | |Agree |40 |38. 5 |40. 0 |57. | | |Strongly agree |43 |41. 3 |43. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Online Income | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Disagree |12 |11. 5 |12. |12. 0 | | |Neutral |20 |19. 2 |20. 0 |32. 0 | | |Agree |34 |32. 7 |34. 0 |66. 0 | | |Strongly agree |34 |32. 7 |34. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. | | | Social Network | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Neutral |14 |13. 5 |14. 0 |14. 0 | | |Agree |46 |44. 2 |46. 0 |60. 0 | | |Strongly agree |40 |38. 5 |40. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Download | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Neutral |1 |1. 0 |1. 0 |1. 0 | | |Agree |49 |47. 1 |49. 0 |50. 0 | | |Strongly agree |50 |48. 1 |50. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Statistics | |Prepaid Charges|Postpaid Cha rges|Charges of |B. p worth the |Availability | | | | |broadband providers|charges | | |N |Valid |100 |100 |100 |100 | |Median |4. 00 |4. 00 |2. 00 |2. 00 |5. 0 | |Mode |5 |5 |2 |2 |5 | Prepaid Charges | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Disagree |8 |7. 7 |8. 0 |8. 0 | | |Neutral |20 |19. 2 |20. 0 |28. 0 | | |Agree |29 |27. 9 |29. 0 |57. 0 | | |Strongly agree |43 |41. 3 |43. |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Postpaid Charges | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Disagree |9 |8. 7 |9. 0 |9. 0 | | |Neutral |22 |21. |22. 0 |31. 0 | | |Agree |33 |31. 7 |33. 0 |64. 0 | | |Strongly agree |36 |34. 6 |36. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Charges of broadband providers |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Strongly disagree |24 |23. 1 |24. 0 |24. 0 | | |Disagree |42 |40. 4 |42. 0 |66. 0 | | |Neutral |21 |20. 2 |21. 0 |87. 0 | | |Agree |6 |5. 8 |6. 0 |93. 0 | | |Strongly agree |7 |6. 7 |7. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | BP worth the charges | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Strongly disagree |26 |25. 0 |26. 0 |26. 0 | | |Disagree |48 |46. 2 |48. 0 |74. 0 | | |Neutral |16 |15. |16. 0 |90. 0 | | |Agree |5 |4. 8 |5. 0 |95. 0 | | |Strongly agree |5 |4. 8 |5. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Availability |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Disagree |1 |1. 0 |1. 0 |1. 0 | | |Neutral |4 |3. 8 |4. 0 |5. 0 | | |Agree |41 |39. 4 |41. 0 |46. 0 | | |Strongly agree |54 |51. 9 |54. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Statistics | |Availability |Bill payment |Customer care | |N |Valid |100 |100 |100 | | |Missing |4 |4 |4 | |Mean |4. 48 |4. 21 |3. 70 | |Median |5. 00 |4. 00 |4. 0 | |Mode |5 |4 |3 | Bill payment | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Strongly disagree |1 |1. 0 |1. 0 |1. 0 | | |Disagree |5 |4. 8 |5. 0 |6. 0 | | |Neutral |8 |7. 7 |8. 0 |14. 0 | | |Agree |44 |42. 3 |44. 0 |58. | | |Strongly agree |42 |40. 4 |42. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Customer care | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Disagree |11 |10. 6 |11. 0 |11. | | |Neutral |37 |35. 6 |37. 0 |48. 0 | | |Agree |23 |22. 1 |23. 0 |71. 0 | | |Strongly agree |29 |27. 9 |29. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Statistics |word of mouth |Media Exposure |Free usage |Weather Hazard | |Valid |Agree |42 |40. 4 |42. 0 |42. 0 | | |Strongly agree |58 |55. 8 |58. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Media Exposure |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Strongly disagree |1 |1. 0 |1. 0 |1. 0 | | |Disagree |8 |7. 7 |8. 0 |9. 0 | | |Neutral |12 |11. 5 |12. 0 |21. 0 | | |Agree |34 |32. 7 |34. 0 |55. 0 | | |Strongly agree |45 |43. 3 |45. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Free usage | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Strongly disagree |1 |1. 0 |1. 0 |1. 0 | | |Disagree |5 |4. 8 |5. 0 |6. 0 | | |Neutral |7 |6. |7. 0 |13. 0 | | |Agree |35 |33. 7 |35. 0 |48. 0 | | |Strongly agree |52 |50. 0 |52. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Weather Hazard |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Strongly disagree |40 |38. 5 |40. 0 |40. 0 | | |Disagree |48 |46. 2 |48. 0 |88. 0 | | |Neutral |10 |9. 6 |10. 0 |98. 0 | | |Agree |1 |1. 0 |1. 0 |99. 0 | | |Strongly agree |1 |1. 0 |1. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Surprises by BP | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Strongly disagree |48 |46. 2 |48. 0 |48. 0 | | |Disagree |52 |50. 0 |52. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Action taken by BP | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | |Valid |Strongly disagree |37 |35. 6 |37. 0 |37. 0 | | |Disagree |49 |47. 1 |49. 0 |86. 0 | | |Neutral |9 |8. |9. 0 |95. 0 | | |Agree |4 |3. 8 |4. 0 |99. 0 | | |Strongly agree |1 |1. 0 |1. 0 |100. 0 | | |Total |100 |96. 2 |100. 0 | | |Missing |System |4 |3. 8 | | | |Total |104 |100. 0 | | | Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha |N of Items | | |-. 038 |6 | | a. The value is negative due t